Author Topic: Help Updating Script CC Terminus Traduction Tool  (Read 5799 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Help Updating Script CC Terminus Traduction Tool
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:43:23 pm »
Huge edit at the bottom!

Hi. I'm working on just simply changing just the name of a weapon to something else, in Chrono Cross. Thus, in the tool, I would only use Dump_Main, Dump_Termes, and Dump_Script.

I can edit the description of the weapon and it'll show in the game, but anything I edit in "0000 (Objets).txt" (so the changed name of the weapon appears in the list in the Equip screen) and in any of the "0008 (Script)" texts doesn't appear in-game after using the method of:

running Rein_Script.bat
letting it crash
edit the Rein_Script_txt (under 60_Scripts)
then running Rein_Script.bat again to update the image file.

If I simply edit the 3 files in "41_Textes_Apres" and then use Rein_ScriptC/Script1/Script, I'll get letters missing, which is immediately noticeable with whoever the random Member 2 is. The character would say, "There n turnin back, now!"

How do I edit the script in "31_Fichiers_Apres" (everything copied over from 30_Fichiers_Avant) and actually make the changes applied when reinserting? Thank you in advance.

Here's the update: I'm 98% sure what everything does now. Basically, I dump what I want to change, copy the dumped files to their corresponding "After" folder, dump Script1 and ScriptC, same thing with copying the dumped files to their corresponding "After" folder, and any changes to these text files automatically applies to the individual "DXXX" folders in 31_Fichiers_Apres with Rein_Script1/C.

In a perfect world, I would then simply run Rein_Script, play the modified .iso on the emulator and everything should be fine. But of course, by running Dump_Script, it seems the program messes with accents of generic speech (this is why characters in your party would all say the same thing if you bring them to an event, but some will have special accents, which I will mention later).

Member 2 (prominently seen immediately in Serge's "dream" sequence in the beginning of the game, and as you know would be a random character) would have parts of words missing, due to what appears to be "pouet" commands used for everyone (special accents or not) for generic speech. So far, it's "wha", "o", "g", " 's "and possibly more. Here's an example:

|\Membre 2\:

See how's there four sets of "pouet"? Only the first one is the problem. It's supposed to be "Wha" for most characters, "Whâ" for Irenes, "Vo" for Luccia, etc. The other ones are fine.
So it'll come out as, "t is it, Serge?"

So I would need help finding out what is these "pouet" commands refer back to when the program puts everything together again. I'm guessing it goes by room, eg. Room 014 has the first non-demo dialogue in the game (the dialogue I put above with Member 2). So it's probably really like "pouet1", "pouet2", etc.

I'm told this might have to do with an older Accent file or something.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 02:00:18 am by AwesomeHairo »


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Re: Help Updating Script CC Terminus Traduction Tool
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2021, 01:43:08 am »
Hey Hairo
I tried a few time to edit text using Terminal Tool but always encountered some error, but I might have another solution for your problem, if your CD1 Iso length is 702MB
try opening it in an Hex editor (I use Hxd) simply drag and drop your Iso in it and go to :
offset 00068D6B
you should see the following values
33 5A 59 50 20 44 62 5A 5D 4F => Relative alphabet values
B   o   n   e       S   w  o   r    d  => In game name display
those values are the "Bone Sword" name, using this table as the relative alphabet

But I have to warn you , Ideally make a name that has the same amount of letter, or less. If you have 10 letter and only need 7, make sure you fill the 3 other with 20 (space), it should look fine in the UI but make sure you dont overlap, you need additionnal modification for longer/new name!

Once you've done it on CD1 , just look for the same values in CD2 (you can search in the hex edtior, just copy paste the line your looking for in CD2!)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 01:46:29 am by Grobycftw »


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Help Updating Script CC Terminus Traduction Tool
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2021, 02:06:09 am »
Hey Grobycftw. Thanks a lot for this. I should have been clearer on what my objective is at the beginning  :o. I want to change two VERY special weapon by the name of Masamune and Mastermune (as well as changing Masa, Mune and Doreen's name). So I definitely have to change the script as well, which is giving me Accent problems.

I updated my original post, so please take the time to read :)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Help Updating Script CC Terminus Traduction Tool
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2021, 01:06:38 am »
Ok. Solved! It's Scenar.tcc, in the 42_Tables_Avant. I put it in both that folder and 43_Tables_Apres and everything seem to work fine with the dialogue. Just thought I'd let you know in case someone else needs help. I got the modified Scenar.tcc to actually spit out the proper English auto-accent tags. I'm going to put the instructions as a review on the page for the tool.