Absolutely none of the above. The Fall of Zeal was the most devistating. Zeal did not deserve that, all those poor, Enlightened Ones, it was true Manslaughter. Had they just done away with Queen Zeal, Dalton, and then the opposees, many Enlightened and Earthbound (had they not been squished by the islands) would have been saved. Lavos...though, is another story, but i'm sure Zeal could have done away with it with their technological advancements. They then would have went on the crowning Schala. Schala would live forever until magic, and would be deemed Queen-Goddess. If Zeal would not have done away with Lavos, Schala would be come the Queen-Goddess-Hero and fight off Lavos in the Ultimate Battle. She will then save the world, free the Earthbound, and make Earth Eternal Paradise.