So, for a long time, I've wanted to make a CT hack that separates Frog and Marle into different elements, Water and Ice. I've hoped that if I ignored this idea long enough, it would go away, but it didn't. So tonight I started digging.
My original thought was to have Ice replace the Shadow element, and turn all Shadow attacks into non-elemental damage. That would mess with the few enemies that absorb shadow though, not to mention messing with counterattacks and Dual Techs.
However, in looking at some of the data tables, it looks like there MIGHT be room to add up to 4 more elements. I want to get some of these ideas down so you can all tell me what's wrong with my logic.
Byte 4 controls whether it's a physical/magic attack in its lower nibble, and which element it is in its upper nibble. Byte 5 is unused though. So if physical/magic were moved to Byte 5, then that would free up 4 bits in Byte 4 for new elements.
Byte 1 shares this same property, and its upper nibble even lines up with Tech Data Byte 4 (80 is Lightning, 40 is Shadow, 20 is Water, and 10 is Fire). The lower nibbles appear to be all unused. I don't know what Byte 1 does, but there is room for adidng more here.
That leaves finding unused bytes for the actual element defense. It looks like bytes 1C, 1F, 24, and 4F are all unused. Could those be used for defense against new elements?
If the DS graphics were used, which are half the size, there would be leftover tiles for more elements.
I'm thinking the additional elements would be:
5 - Ice, for Marle
6 - Wind, an element not specifically for 1 character, used for things like Slash, Blade Toss, Falcon Strike, and Tail Spin.
7 - Hot, one of 2 "secret" elements used for color-coded enemies and counter-attacks. This responds to Fire, Lightning, and Wind, so that a Red enemy can be hit with any element.
8 - Cold, the other "secret" element, which responds to Ice, Water, and Shadow. Blue enemies can be hit with either.
So color me surprised, but this actually seems... doable? Please tell me why I'm wrong so I can get this out of my head permanently.