Heyo! What we've got is very small indeed, limited to mostly sprites rather than locations - dream devourer, schala, smidges, the new gate,

and a screenshot of the tower of the ancients-

https://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Locations_(Chrono_Trigger).html lower right, DS Locations.
As far as I can tell there's no direct resource for Chrono Trigger DS exclusively, and while I tinker with roms, I in no way know how to make a tool, only know (or rather slowly learn) how to manipulate tools already made.
Last night I fiddled with NSMB Editor 5.2 and opened up a fresh Chrono Trigger.nds
I will say everything is so much more organized in CTDS then CT SNES as far as I can tell.
the TL;DR is I've located tilesets used in maps, but not complete maps put together, and I'm not sure how to do that with either programs i've listed below. D:
It should be do-able with the program Crystaltile2 however I'm stuck at the moment.
The long version is:
I downloaded and opened up a fresh CT.nds in NSMBe5

I opened up roots and everything was nice and tidy in individual folders, maps, chara (characters?) etc-

in the world map folder, I found WorldBg_0007_ncg.bin

I've determined ncg.bins are the actual graphics, while .ncl.bin is the palette.
I double click, which opened a small screen that showed me squat. I kept it open then I scrolled down and double clicked WorldBgPlt_0007_ncl.bin

a screen came up with about 14 palettes, I clicked add all, closed the screen with the add all option, and went back to the other window, where I'd open the WorldBgPlt_0007_ncl.bin. This window is called 2D texture editor.

I clicked view in 4pbb format, on the left side, which turned it to this:

I played around with the tile width, until I got 16 and it became something that still looked like garbage, but i thought hey that kind of looks like a mountain. So I zoomed in and changed the palette on the left from 1 to 7. Yep that is definitely the mountain in the overworld map!

Well. Sort of. Its not displayed correctly. Because I apparently have nothing better to do at 3 am, and I knew it was the overworld mountain and had the same piece handy from SNES as ive been sprite editing, I opened both images up in tile molester.
Yep, definitely the same mountain:

Let's fix the palettes;

however the one on the left is complete, ripped from SNES while the one on the right is the same as the image from NSMB minus the palette. but you can see it has these horrible lines through it? I assume because its in 4pbb format but not 4pbb 2X2 in NSMB and the palette is slightly off in NSMB and none of the 14 match what I get in tilemolester.
What does all this mean for locating maps in CTDS? Well, not much im afraid, i've found one tileset piece that I can't display correctly

So I moved on to the program Crystaltile 2.
Here is a good guide on how to edit with this which I've been following;
https://gbatemp.net/threads/the-ultimate-nintendo-ds-rom-hacking-guide.291274/however the graphic files mentioned in this guide are .NARC files after being decompressed from the rom, so originally they are CARC files. Once decompressed the NARC file gives three files in this guide- NCGR - (the image equivalent to .ncg perhaps?) NCLR are the palettes, (equivalent to .ncl perhaps?) and .NSCR are 'Map files' that will put the image in the right place in game.
This is where I'm stuck, if I export WorldBg_0007_ncg.bin from crystaltile 2 and decompress it with the program recommended in the tutorial and open it as the guide instructs, I can't figure out how to view it.

It doesn't let me go to sub-file sort and F2 does nothing and I don't end up 'seeing' anything or putting the image together or map together.
I'm basically grasping at tileset pieces while trying to find a full map and no luck so far.
But maybe my late night exploration will help you? Or help someone else help you? If you find the full maps, let me know! I'll keep exploring myself