Author Topic: Choras Ruins [Finalized]  (Read 78714 times)


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Re: Choras Ruins [Finalized]
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2022, 08:23:50 pm »
While the question of Choras' political status focused on the statements about Cyrus, there are two lines from Choras citizens in the Retranslation where they call the fair "Guardia Kingdom's Millennial Festival", possibly suggesting they see Guardia as separate. (The DS version, however, keeps "our kingdom" for the statement about Cyrus.)

(In order: SNES, Retranslation, DS)
Quote from: Woman
I'm bored...
Maybe I'll check out the Millennial Fair!

Nothing's going on......
Maybe I'll try going to Guardia Kingdom's
Millennial Festival too?

Another dull day...
Maybe I should go to Guardia's Millennial Fair.

Quote from: Old woman
All the young 'uns went to the Millennial
Kids are just gluttons for fun.

All the town's young ones went to Guardia
Kingdom's Millennial Festival to have fun.
That's why the young lately are so......

All the young 'uns are off at that Millennial Fair.
Kids these days...they're just gluttons for fun.

Nobody in Truce bothers to specify "Guardia" in relation to the fair. Outside of Choras, the only other person to use that term is a Zenan Bridge crosser.

Quote from: Young Man
Going to the fair!

I'm going to Guardia Kingdom's Millennial Festival!

I'm on my way to Guardia's Millennial Fair!

To compare, the two people in Porre who mention the fair specify that it's in Truce in the retranslation.

Returning to the topic of the ruins. While the official translations have the mayor call the ruins a "structure", the retranslation calls them a "fortress".

Quote from: Choras Mayor (Retranslation)

North of this town is what's left of an ancient fortress.
They say it's been hundreds of years already since
it went to ruin.
The term translated as "fortress" is とりで.

I guess if you want to speculate further based on pre-final materials, there's the fact that in some of the old magazines Reld scanned, the ruins were represented by a copy of Guardia Castle, but that might just be a placeholder before the final overworld graphics were developed.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Choras Ruins [Finalized]
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2022, 01:17:44 am »
I guess if you want to speculate further based on pre-final materials, there's the fact that in some of the old magazines Reld scanned, the ruins were represented by a copy of Guardia Castle, but that might just be a placeholder before the final overworld graphics were developed.

I wonder. The Northern Ruins used to have a throne in the pre-release. Maybe the castle there wasn't a placeholder exactly...