Author Topic: Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate  (Read 1326 times)


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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« on: August 31, 2005, 06:22:14 pm »
alrighty, i'm attempting a fan fiction of Chrono Trigger. I don't have much thought up yet but i do have some things in mind.

Story: Takes place two years after the events of Chrono Cross 1022 AD with Crono's son as the one of the main characters, and goes through diffrent time periods and some where along there i want to do a part where one of the characters goes into a diffrent time line, the time line of CT pre lavos defeat. but this idea has been changing over the past few years. I am also going to have some people mention of the Chrimsom Echo's Mission so that alot of things in this story will be more understandable even though it will be understandable to a point.

Characters: herm.. i have added alot of characters but dropped alot as well. Here is a short list of characters. Not all of them.

Shinrin Cole
Crono's son who was born in the year 1003 AD. He's as good or maybe better than his dad with katanas. He hasn't seen his dad since 1005 AD when Porre finally took over Guardia. He was part of the Radical Dreamers untill a few years ago when Kid went on a search for a special someone (Serge). Shinrin lives with mother Nadia and his Grand Mother Gina, who Crono made sure they was hiding the last time they seen him.
more info on Shinrin will be added soon.

Kaloha Amour
Princess of the Porre Kingdom. A girl who has a wierd past behind her, like she's not from the same time period as Shinrin or the rest of the world, but the King and Queen said that she is their daughter.
more info on Kaloha will be added soon.

Alana Ashtear
She thinks of herself as Lucca's Daughter, but she was just an orphan who really looked up to her, so she just called her last name Ashtear, her real last name is unknown. A real good friend of Shinrin and Kid, and was part of the Radical Dreamers. She's also a great inventor,
"If Lucca was still alive, she would be proud of me!"
She was also saved by a strange man (Serge) and want to thank him, if she can find him.
More Info on Alana will be added soon.

David Rushing
A decendent of Crono and Shinrin, he's now the owner of the 7th haven in Neo Truce, an orphanige in rememberance of Lucca's Orphanige, Guarida is back in ruling the country now since 1030 AD. and the time period where David lives is 975 (2005 AD) years after Guardia came back into rule. He also specializes in a new type of power that has the means of creating a sword or katana by use of wearing a glove. Not much is known about this right now. but part of the gloves features is to protect his hand from the energy and depending on what glove he's wearing what effects will apear with his katana when he forms it.
more on David will be added soon.

Story note: Not much is known about the Porre's short rule and how Guardia over powered it is known. This will be added into the story later. much later.

Alison Matelski
David's Girl friend who uses a guns for her main choice of weapons. She has spent most of her life at the 7th haven in neo truce. But something bad is going to happen to her in the adventure.
more on Alison will be added soon.

Melinko Taminko
From the line of Crono Shinrin and David, a very time worth character, he was born on the same day and month as David 400 years apart. He also looks like him, but he has pointed ears. Not much is known why he has pointed ears, but he is a Time Cop of Neo Gaurdia, trying to write history where the future will be a better place, he has heard reports of a guy named Crono was messing around with time, but every where Melinko went to find him, this Crono guy wasn't there. Is the Shinrin's Dad? He also listen to the singer Michelle Baldwin, who was killed not to long after she started her carrier.
more on Melinko will be added soon.

Michelle Baldwin
Yes if you read about melinko and you're wonder huh, she a character too? then yes she is.

She is the famous new singer to hit Neo Gaurdia in 2350, but her life ended a few years later when someone killed her, or as history writes she was killed on day when a misterious person saved her.
more on Michelle will be added soon.

That's the basics of it for now. More characters will be added soon. Continue checking this topic for updates and such.

I will try to see about posting the first chapter soon. I hope before vacation, but it might be after Vacation after i write it.

Also More people will be added along the way. I have more people on my mind, but those are some of the main characters for part one of the saga.

if anyone wants to know more information that i haven't added on here, Message me on AIM at Shinrincole

(sorry if i made alot of typo's in there, it's is freezing in this classroom i'm in at college)


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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 07:53:03 pm »
1) I dunno how I feel about using the old cliche of "The hero's son is the hero in the sequal/spin-off/whatever", but...w/e

2) How many characters are you planning on putting in the fnafic? :shock: Or perhaps I should ask how long you're planning on making this...Developing a core group of 6 or 7 people sounds more plausible than expanding it to include CC-proportions or something...

3) Good luck anyhow!


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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 09:59:10 pm »
yes, chracters from chrono cross are gonna be in the story. and links as well, as i have mention kid already. i'll post more later.

Daniel Krispin

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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 06:33:12 pm »
At any rate, you should never make the child of a hero - particularly one so mighty as Crono - better than his sire. It is rarely the case in any mythology or legend, and is only the case when the son or descendent it the primary focus of the tale, and the exploits of the father only serve to embellish the lineage of the son. For the most part in legends, heroics tend to diminish with successive generations, and the men of later times look back to earlier ones with awe and wonder. Akhilles does not think himself mightier than Herakles who came a generation earlier, and the valour of such as Diomedes and the rest are often called into comparison to their famed fathers (in his case Tydeus.) The stones thrown by Aias and by Hektor are said to be such as no two men in the days of Homer could lift. I read, just yesterday, a very good line to this point, though I cannot remember it off the top of my mind. I'll look back to it, though, if I can remember the page it's on... 'For few are the children who turn out to be equals of their fathers, and the greater number the worse; few are better than their father is.' That is Athene addressing Telemachos, son of Odysseus. And it is a thing that must be considered, that the later heroes are not what the earlier are in terms of accomplishment or valour. Many other traditions, as well as fantasies, also do this. No hero in Lord of the Rings could out-battle the ancient heroes of the Silmarillion - Aragorn would be no match for Turin Turambar, and Legolas is a shadow beside the likes of Beleg Cuthalion. Only some few such as Cirdan and Galadriel equal that ancient power - and only because they themselves are of that earlier age. So I think it should be taken into careful consideration that the son should not be mightier than that father.

As for the rest... well, I cannot rightly say much of anything. My style is so vastly different, and the ways in which I would do things far more in the quasi-realistic fashion of legend, that I ever have a difficult time commenting on such things. Doubly so on a day on which my writing seems muddled, such as today.


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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 12:24:23 pm »
Sorry for the lack of an update, alot has happen since i first post. but right now i have a journal up, this journal basicly tells more of the story through the eyes of each character.

yeah i know where i got the journal is more for friends and stuff. but to keep the thing going you can subscribe to the blog and you will get even more content.

now as for a site goes, right now i'll have to use a geocities site, till my friend gets some information from her dad. But i'll be messing with that after my next class.

Stay tuned for more updates.

UPDATE: The tales of fate website is now open! But beware of broken links.



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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2005, 08:45:17 am »
Not bad, and I agree with the people above about the Hero's son spinoff thing.  As long as there's someone at LEAST in the game that's like related to the hero's in some way then it may be thought of as a sequal.  I don't really think you can have a seqeul without the mention or someone related to the hero's in some way.


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Chrono Trigger - Tales of Fate
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2005, 04:59:28 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
At any rate, you should never make the child of a hero - particularly one so mighty as Crono - better than his sire.

At least in the case of Chrono Trigger, I don't think a person's success is due to their natural abilities alone, but also the time and effort devoted to their goals.  Crono wasn't great because of some sort of birthright, but rather because he constantly strove towards his goal to destroy Lavos.

I don't see Crono's accomplishments as as the limit of his ability and I don't see why his descendants could not achieve even greater accomplishments given sufficient effort.

What wouldn't make sense is if Crono's children were inexplicably superior to the original time travelers in every way, without adequate experience and training.