That's why I respect religions or parents who enforce 'morals', not because it's "God's will", but because it's smart.
More and more in today's societies, "traditional" values are being shown again and again to be the safest, and to produce the most stable households, with the best results for the children of such (success, crime rates, etc). Perhaps God was right? Who'da thunk it?
It's true, it's true. And I'd agree that he
is right...if he's really there.
Sure, alcohol or drugs may be the easy way out, but since when was the easy way out the best? It comes with too high a cost, I'm warning you.
That's actually an axiom you can take even if non-religious: if you're given an easy and a hard choice in a moral situation, the hard one is probably the right thing to do. Heck, even Yoda said it.
...well...yeah. I
am non-religious =p. And in all seriousness, if Yoda said it...c'mon guys, why are we still arguing?
"The point" of sex is defined by a culture. It is not merely a way to have babies; the main point of sex at the age most of us hover around is for fun. You're confusing the end with the means here. Just because I have a sword doesn't mean that all I use it for is killing people. I own it, and therefore I define its purpose. I will certainly use it to defend myself, but how often do I really have to do that? I haven't had to, so far. Most of the time, I use it to cut apart incredibly stubborn things, or when I can't find a screwdriver. Similarly, I am the sole possessor of my sexuality, and thus I define its purpose, which right now is to have fun. I don't intend to ever have children; they'd have the same kinds of struggles I with my Asperger's syndrome have had in growing up, and to subject another being to that would be one of the most immoral things that I personally am capable of. But I'm not going to deprive myself of emotional and physical fulfillment for that reason. That, and a kid would take away from my time to do what I want and to be with my wife. If that seems selfish, I've done my job.
That's...totally missing what Silvercry is saying. Again.
And since I love the quote feature oh so very much:
Sex is for procreation. Our bodies work in a way where it feels good to do so. The pleasure is a result, not a purpose.
If even clearer explanation needs to be given, then here: the act of sex exists for the human race (and others) to procreate, that is it's purpose. However, humans don't always use Sex for it's purpose, because they like the feeling they get during intercourse, so they make the purpose of
their Sex to simply give them pleasure, trying to ignore the original intent of Sex and being shocked and angry when Sexs' original purpose pulls through, despite their efforts to ignore it.
...does that make sense? I have a feeling I'm getting pretty repetitive, these days...