1. Can an idea be dangerous even if its creator renounces it? (I have argued that yes, it can.)
1. No.
I dunno man...just because someone came up with an idea and dropped it doesn't mean others won't take it far more seriously and do alot of things with it. Now really it's rather sad that these people still actually believe something that the creator said outright was complete bullshit from the start, but for cases where the creator of the idea simply doesn't find it believable, while there may not be anything to completely discredit it, therefore giving its believers something to really build on...that's not totally illogical.
Hell, look at this whole compendium. Kato may say "you guys have no idea how many plot holes I found with this. I gave up trying to think of the answers forever ago, they just don't exist." Will that change how fervent most of us are in finding all the deep details, meanings, connections and answers that possibly wouldn't exist then?
Not saying that that's the case...I personally believe that, though there are several points we're being far too nit-picky about that I'm sure he's never considered, he's got FAR more stuff that we haven't even begun to imagine waiting up his sleeve. He is a genius, after all.
But anyway, that's my stand.