Author Topic: My Chrono Series Thoughts...  (Read 26612 times)

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2004, 08:16:49 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Okay, I've swept the cobwebs out of the ol' brain bucket and now am thinking more clearly...

Dark Angel, as soon as I read your theory that the Entity could have tried and failed to use Crono & Co. in the original timeline, I knew, just knew there was something fundamentally flawed there, but, as it was late, and all the synapses seemingly fiering on the wrong cylinders, I couldn't place it. Now I think I have it though...

It would not be possible for the Entity to use Crono & Co. previously. This is because if it used them before, it would not be able to just use them again. There was one time the Entity could grab hold of Crono (via Marle), and that is at the Millenial Fair when she has the Pendant & was using the Telepod (what would later become the Gate Key). It is only possible that in another dimension the Entity, Crono & Co. failed during a first attempt by the Entity that would later cause the undoing of that Planet, but not the ones that we encounter in Trigger.

I've been puting some SEREUS thought into this vary thing & I'm honisly suprized that where on the same page... Unfortonetly now is not the time I can write it out... I will be working on this & post an update of where I stand on this idea tomarow... I am reather hiped about what I have to say but it may be wrong... So I'll need your inpute... Sorry I can't write it out at the moment...  :cry:


OK... Here it is... Tell me what you think wean you're done...

(The Treads of FATE)

I've been racking my brains out on this one for a while... For everything that duss add up there's another that duss not... Finaly however I do beleve I have it...

First off I need to explain 1 thing... the CT timeline is NOT the first inishal Timeline... There have been Time Splits before... This is my explinaton of this...

Timeline 1. (Lavos/Entity)

Basicly everything you know in CT happens in a simuler way & ultimintly the plot sets up for CC... However... In the origenal Home world TL FATE makes the deseshon to Alow the Lavos Futur to perval over its own the first time around...

Thuse the CT Lavos/Entity TL starts...

Here is a breff pictashon of what I mean...

1. Lavos/Entity TL = Another world & Home world's...

2. The origenal AW Go's on to be ruled by FATE in a unserten future... While the origenal Home world's Serge is erased from history becuse of FATE giveing way for Lavos...

3. The Origenal HW becomes the CT Lavos/Entity TL.. Wich then Becomes the CT Another world TL wich is finaly split into the CC AW & HW Time lines...

4. Then affter the events of our CC AW & HW are merged back into one TL... The True Good Future TL... Where Schala was freed from the grasp of the Lavos alter-ego the Devouorur of Time...

Now I bet you are wondering how I cam to such a conclushon & if it where possable Why would FATE do such a thing...

Well... The reson FATE would do as such is one of the resones that lead me to beleve this...

Call it FATE's ultimate experemint if you will... FATE took a gamble that Lavos would alow it to live forever by its side...

You see wean history was re-writen in the origenal HW TL... There was still the fact that Serge had come into existince to alow Lavos the chance to do what he dead... (This is all talked about in the Dead Sea part of CC)

So FATE itself in that would had to be erased or re-writen...

Ultimintly... Chrononopolus became what we know in CT as The Kingdom of Zeal... basicly Chrononopolus was thrown back into a TL where Lavos was never deffeted & was unmade... FATE pervinted it's burth if you will... But sence this is an impossable thing to do... It merly weant like this...

FATE from Time Line A pervinted FATE from Time Line B from being born... Just as Crono & Co Shifted to Another worlds TL before they got to Lavos...

This rezulting reality was the TL we played through in CT... the CT Lavos/Entity TL...

The reson FATE bothered to do such was so that it could live forever with its sorce of Power... Lavos...

And as you may have gussed... Queen Zeal was FATE... FATE while still alive in the origenal Another world TL was able to convay these events thrue the Frozen Flame after re-obtaining use of it after stealing Serge's body & re-activateing itsself in the origenal Another world TL... (While the real serge & most everything was un-done for the CT Lavos/Entity TL)

FATE useing it's fully realized power was able to comunicate with the pepole of the remade Chrononopolus thrue there Dreams... & throgh the power of the Dreem Stome FATE was able to suject them to even more power from Lavos & convay its will through them all that much more...

Ultimintly it focosed of A woman who lost her mind from the trama of loseing her husbend.. Much Lake Wazuka wean he thought he knew Serge was gowing to die... FATE was able to make a full interfase with her & thuse lead to Zeals greatst creashon... The realizashon of Dreems through the Mamon Mashin... a Device that alowed FATE to ultmintly acheve its grand dezire to live with Lavos for what would seem like an eternity...

However... Wean this Dream was realized the Planets advocets... Crono & Co. made a distinct effort to stop Lavos & Zeal...

The realizashon of the Black Omin was only able to take place in the New Another world TL becuse Lavos made a last dich effort to save itsself this time around by throwing its hunters off into another path entyerly... (This is how the Day of Lavos Video Worked... They here able to retain there memorys of that video becuse they saw it in a future they never corected & thuse the video still existed)

FATE... was left with Crono & Co who she deeply rezented... Ultimintly Wean she needed Lavos the most the best only vewed her as a nucince... & blew the Black Onin up...

After the events of CT & back to the same spot in CC in the Dead Sea... FATE was yet agen perzinted with the optin to alow Lavos to live... Haveing the events of Zeal recorded as a falure... FATE chose No... And ultimintly ment it's deffet at the hands of Serge & Co.

This leading us eventuly to the True Good Future TL... Where Schala is now free & able to do as she please's with the power she's ben granted thrugh Lavos...

I beleve FATE could have done this for eather of 2 good resones...

1. Just another experimint it wanted to cary out with it's power over Lavos...


2. It knew ultimintly even it wasn't imortal & even though it acheved a safe existince in the origenal Another world TL it would still reach it's end someday wean all things where sead & done & the planet's time had come... So it shought a union with it's sorce of power & ultemint creator so that it could acheve true immortality & God like power...

Eather way FATE could have had this opertunity & probabuly did take it... Just as I sujested...

For the record too... Zeal did still exist in the CT Lavos/Entity TL affter Crono & Co. shifted Time Lines to Another world... (That's where our Magus comes from) But as what would seem obveus would sujest Zeal was to destoryed by Lavos & aparintly Lavos gave FATE no chance in that TL eather becue of the absince of the Black Omin in the earlyer parts of the Game...

The CT crew shifted to Another worlds TL the meoment they crossed that Gate Lavos made in the past for them to get to Zeal... In the origenal CT Time Line they never interfead with Zeals history as shown in Magus' memorys...

And also please note that in the New Another World TL... FATE was not destroyed emedyetly affter it's defeat eather... It was able to transfeer itself into Kid for it's final backup plain... (That's how Kid desplayed all that knolage that even the Reserchers of Chrononopolus didn't seem to know & was able to attack Harlie with the Frosen Flame...)

FATE then tryed to completly shut Kid's mind down by traping it in her past at the one point in her life where FATE had the most controll over... Serge as we all know however was able to brake FATE's grasp on her though...

Anyway that ends this Theory...


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #46 on: September 28, 2004, 03:59:37 am »
I really don't see how you come to some of the conclusions you do, Dark Angel...

For one, from Chrono Trigger & the Fall of Guardia, we come to CC's Another World. The only reason Home World comes into play is because Serge resides there and FATE is trying to obtain the Frozen Flame. Since only Serge had access to the FF because of the incident when he was a child, FATE needed the Tear & Serge to switch bodies, and thusly have access itself.

& Zeal is FATE? I don't think so. It's stated that Lucca helped create FATE, and the reasons for it's insanity were because some of the old Mother Brain circuits or some such were incorperated into FATE. I don't see where you get Zeal is FATE...

All was planned by Belthasar so that FATE could be destroyed by Serge & Co. and thusly the Dragons were freed and all that nonsense with Terra Tower & thusly w/the Devourer of Time occurred.

These things are true.

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #47 on: September 28, 2004, 05:20:16 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
I really don't see how you come to some of the conclusions you do, Dark Angel...

For one, from Chrono Trigger & the Fall of Guardia, we come to CC's Another World. The only reason Home World comes into play is because Serge resides there and FATE is trying to obtain the Frozen Flame. Since only Serge had access to the FF because of the incident when he was a child, FATE needed the Tear & Serge to switch bodies, and thusly have access itself.

& Zeal is FATE? I don't think so. It's stated that Lucca helped create FATE, and the reasons for it's insanity were because some of the old Mother Brain circuits or some such were incorperated into FATE. I don't see where you get Zeal is FATE...

All was planned by Belthasar so that FATE could be destroyed by Serge & Co. and thusly the Dragons were freed and all that nonsense with Terra Tower & thusly w/the Devourer of Time occurred.

These things are true.

No no... Zeal is NOT FATE... FATE is Zeal... Or the future it had plained anyway...

For whatever reson the Mother Brain cercit weant insain... It ultimintly became a formitable foe...

My statmint sujest that the events we know have transpired once before in a simuler way... This explaining what I was geting at... (This includes the 50/50 life & death event with Serge...)

I didn't think it was that hard to understand...  :cry:

Well anyway... Please don't be offended... but nothing you just sead in any way dissproved what I was just saying... PLEASE... just think about it... If you persent something that duss make this asumton incorect then I'll dissmiss it just like the others... But nothing so has be sead so far...


Whate just a tick... Never mind... you did make a point... the fact that Bethasar founded the FATE project makes this impossable... *Sigh* Nm....

*Go's off to re-think*


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2004, 06:44:28 am »
X≠Y, but Y=X? Equality is reflective, so there's no way this can be true.

Now, do you think Dark Angel is going to consider someone else's theory for once, or come up with something of his own? A word of advice, DA: Before making up your own theories, try showing us where some of the currently accepted theories don't work. If/when you do that, you'll be in a better position to come up with your own explanations, and they'll be more seriously considered.

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2004, 07:58:33 am »
Agen... I'm not just makeing my own theorys...

I'm trying to make VARY shure I take EVERYTHING into full considerashon before dessmissal...

This topic was never made  to debate for the pure sake of it... It was meant to iorn out the possabilitys that I haven't seen considerd here yet... That's all...

I've tuse far only seen one thread based on your idea's here...


Is there a link curintly or one that can be made & then posted in relavints to all these ideas of your's?...

If I'm beating around a bush that's had all the rabits chased out of it I would sertently apresheate knowing so I could stop wasting time...

And I've done my far share of writeing & thinking for now... I would realy apreshate the cance to read your ideas here...


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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2004, 11:42:01 am »

Dark Angel

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My Chrono Series Thoughts...
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2004, 01:08:35 am »
Hey just an update... I've been without a computer for a while now & I was just lucky enuff to get a new one this soon... Sorry for not coming around but I had a good reson... I'll finish reading your works tomarow...