Author Topic: Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]  (Read 7045 times)


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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2005, 03:43:35 pm »
I'm back, and I bring with me many script ideas. Rather than list them all here, I decided to apply them to create a script. Without further ado, here it is:

Episode 1 - The Millennial Fair

It is written in roughly a screenplay format, and is definitely a WIP. I have no delusions about being a good writer, so if this draft gets torn to shreds, so be it. But I felt like I hadn't contributed in a while, so I wanted to make up for it.  I will warn you that, for better or worse, it is substantially different than what is found at the top of this thread.

*braces for impact*

teh Schala

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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2005, 04:42:25 pm »
Awesome!  I really like what you did.  Actually, "like" is too weak of a word. ^_^  I love it.  There's like one tiny thing I'd change (just the way Lucca worded something that didn't make her seem as confident as she should), and I'd also kinda like to work in that introductory scene at Lucca's house too...  having the title appear as they leave her house, etc.  That's really the only stuff I'd change though.  And you kept the ideas that we had with the black eye and stuff...very cool. :)  Thanks a lot, Luminaire!  This helps tremendously!


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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2005, 02:01:20 pm »
No problem. I'll toy with those things tonight and hopefully post an update tomorrow. If anyone else has ideas/comments, let's hear 'em.

teh Schala

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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2005, 04:29:44 pm »
Cool...  Hmm, now that I look again, I can't find whichever line it was that bugged me last time.  There was something Lucca said that didn't seem to quite fit her, but I can't find it now.  Oh well. :)

I wanna have something funny like maybe Crono doing the disco while Gato is singing, hehe...  Maybe if we modify this...

3rd row from the bottom, the 7th and 8th sprites from the left.  I always thought when he does those (it's one of the dance moves you can do at the prehistoric exhibit), he looks like he's doing a disco.  We could modify it so that he's pointing his finger out too and make it more obvious... :lol:


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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2005, 07:32:51 am »
Hey, its Saturday Night Fever! *plays Bee Gee's music*


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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2005, 03:24:15 pm »
UPDATE: I added the scene at Lucca's house and reworked the ending a little bit. The new version is at the same link as before.

Quote from: teh Schala
Cool...  Hmm, now that I look again, I can't find whichever line it was that bugged me last time.  There was something Lucca said that didn't seem to quite fit her, but I can't find it now.  Oh well. :)

I'm glad you said that, because I couldn't find it either. Let me know if you think of it again.

teh Schala

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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2005, 11:17:37 pm »
Ah, here we go.  I still can't find that Lucca line, but here's another small change.  When I said I wanted the title sequence to be after the Lucca's house scene, I didn't just mean the "Episode I" bit, but the actual title of "Chrono Trigger" also.  So really, the start of the episode would just begin with Gina waking up Crono.  So after Lucca's house, when she says "Something big is gonna happen today...I can feel it," the camera pans up, and we get "Chrono Trigger: To Far Away Times," followed by "Episode I: The Millennial Fair" during the same shot. :)

Hearing this, CRONO quickly climbs out of bed and pulls his blue tunic and brown boots on.
Does this mean we'll need a sprite for him in just his boxers or something? o.O


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Episode I: The Millennial Fair (Original Version) [LOCKED]
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2005, 03:47:17 pm »
Quote from: teh Schala
When I said I wanted the title sequence to be after the Lucca's house scene, I didn't just mean the "Episode I" bit, but the actual title of "Chrono Trigger" also.  So really, the start of the episode would just begin with Gina waking up Crono.

That's fine. I'll make the change.

Quote from: teh Schala
Hearing this, CRONO quickly climbs out of bed and pulls his blue tunic and brown boots on.
Does this mean we'll need a sprite for him in just his boxers or something? o.O

I figured Crono probably doesn't sleep in his nice blue tunic at home, though I imagined him wearing a shirt or something underneath. He looks like he's wearing pants of some sort, so we wouldn't have to go as far as boxers, though it's kind of funny to think about.  :lol: