For the Zealian royal family, and if you take away all that hair dying bullshit (which it is), the Zealian royal family is most likely related to the Lubarians (forgot the spelling). They seemed smarter than the Iokan's anyway, which might mean they were the ones who found the flame first, and it explains why Zeal was like one of the first enlightened ones because she harnessed Lavos' Magic etc.
Zaper brought up an interesting point there. The Zealots probably ARE descendents of the Larubans, what with the purple hair, and the non-fighting/Enlightened Ones stuff. The Zealots may be connected somewhat with the line of Guardia, what with the Pendant and all, but Schala's pendant could have turned up anywhere. Or perhaps Aliza is a descendant of Zeal somehow...
Here's my screwed-up family line:
Ayla/Kino->Algetty Elder->Guardia600*/Leene->Guardia1000\
l >>>>>>
Laruba Chief->Zeal/Schala/Janus->??????????????????->Aliza/
Marle/Crono->Arris Dome Director->Doan
That probably makes no sense whatsoever, but oh well.