Author Topic: Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team  (Read 1144 times)


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Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team
« on: February 26, 2006, 02:42:53 am »
The Compendium's newest article is hereby released. Entitled 'Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team,' it serves as a comprehensive reference guide to the destinies of the original heroes after Chrono Trigger -- or the lack thereof, as a few characters' whereabouts are currently unknown and shrouded in mystery. Theories are presented for those unaccounted for (namely Crono, Marle, and Magus), while helpful explanations are given for the others, summarizing their roles in Chrono Cross and likely fates. Additionally, a few NPCs from Chrono Trigger are also discussed within the article, including Dalton, the Mystic Warriors, and Johnny, who makes a cameo in Chrono Cross often overlooked by fans.

Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team

Stay tuned for the completion of the Chrono Cross Official Art page with many scans from Missing Piece as provided by SilentMartyr. Also, now that this article is complete, work will begin on Chrono Cross Resolutions, which will cover the world post-Chrono Cross and the fates of Schala, Kid, and Serge.