Author Topic: Not a Chrono fic  (Read 1619 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Not a Chrono fic
« on: November 21, 2006, 09:26:08 pm »
     The year is 1000ma, and the peoples of the East are celebrating. Josef rel DeSaya IV, who will one day be a key player in the destruction of his homeland, is eleven years old.
     On this day of revelry, his mother is going to die.
     She is not the intended target. The assassin is, of course, after the king, the very symbol of peace and prosperity to the DeSayan people. The queen just happens to come across the man as he climbs inside the window of her room. There is no pain; the poison coating the dagger will dull her senses as her life fades away. Outside, the citizens of the royal city will continue to celebrate, unaware of the cloaked man hastily exiting the castle, or the tragedy awaiting within.
     Josef, barely old enough to understand the complexities of life and death, will not know of his mother's passing for many days, as he is distracted by the winged prisoner in the dungeons. The strange creature the guards call a "demon"...

Whew...I know it doesn't look like much, but it took FOREVER to type(my typing sucks).
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 12:15:54 am by Saylandemon »


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Re: Not a Chrono fic
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 12:06:30 pm »
Your typing might suck but at least the way your imagination with stories is alright.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Not a Chrono fic
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 01:06:01 am »
Here's some more:

    Sores awoke with a start.
    "Mister? Hello?", the boy asked again. "I brought you some food from the kitchens. Sorry it's cold, I had to wait for the guards to leave before I could get it to you." A tray of food was pushed through the space under the bars of the cell. The prisoner slowly exhaled, and it slid across the grimy floor towards him.
    "What do you want this time, kid?", Sores asked, startling the child.
    "Um, I, uh...", he stammered, obviously shaken by the other's display. "Um, you said you would tell me about where you grew up, remember?"
    "Ha! Did I, now? Very well. You brought me the food, so I guess it's only fair you get something in return. Listen up, boy. I'll tell you all about my homeland..."
    Sores spoke at length about his homeland on the plains beyond the Barrier, far to the west. He told of his people, their traditions, his training as a warrior, and the thrill of flying over the endless sea of grass. His tale turned to his time as a soldier of the Imperial Army, his mission in the east, and his eventual capture and imprisonment beneath the castle, the only world he had known for many years. It was many hours later when the boy finally spoke.
    "I have to go. It'll be morning soon and I can't let the guards see me." Picking up the now empty food tray, he quietly exited the dungeon.
    Sores wondered - not for the first time - how the boy was able to sneak in and out on such a regular basis. When asked his only reply was, "They just don't see me, I guess." He was certainly a strange one. But, he was the only human who had ever regarded Sores with anything other than fear and contempt, and the prisoner found his presence strangely comforting. Maybe he would never see the sun again, but if this one child could be spared his people's legacy of hate, then he could face death proudly.

                                                                    *   *   *

    Rual stared in disbelief at the corpse in front of him. Damn it, how could he have been so careless!? There was only one thing he could do now: run for it. When the panic caused by the Queen's death subsided he could make another attempt. "I just hope he lives that long", he said as he hoisted himself over the window and started his descent.

Well? What do you think? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Not a Chrono fic
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 07:00:47 pm »
i havn't been around in a while. but i read the update and it seems your gift of writing short but exciting fics is still hangin in there.