I wonder why he couldnt find a better thing to look at. Like a young girl or something. I think looking at a kid is healthier than looking at something that would just as soon eat your face than strip for you...
Oh ho hoh! You underestimate humanity's everlasting compulsion for sex with mythical creatures, talking animals, lush plants, family members, the devil, corpses, regular animals, zombies, prickly plants, the castrated, deities, fish people, pillows, libation vessels, children, dead children, streams of fast-moving water, celebrities, musical instruments, 9-volt batteries, and snake women.
You'll understand in a few years...
I file this next to the topic of "Why women want to marry mass murderers/serial bombers/terrorists that are locked up in prison for the rest of their lives."
Hey! I'm
totally getting out on good behavior soon!