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I think I pretty much attacked most of the damn thing. you think student sports league and professional leagues are similiar. maybe in rules, but any idiot with half a brain can tell you you do not want to get into a push match with a 300 lb wieghtlifter. in highschool foot, the dudes are still growing, less prone to injury, less beefy, and sure as hell less intimdating. They don't have huge dudes like the fridge L.T., or that big ass 400 lb bubba standing guard, holding back 2 full grown men. Its not stragety that's gonna prevent these dudes from slamming into your quaterback: its several other beefy ass dudes. Guess what Magus, I've played multiple sports too. I've played soccer. you know what the majority view of soccer was for me: run for a ball, prevent ball from being taken. There was no "hold off people bent on taking you down while keeping possesion of ball." Hell, you can't even go after the damn person in soccer. Soccer is techinical in it requires more control then most sports with sole use of your legs. Football is Intesity. pure and straight. It's Strength. Its being able to out run soccerplayers wearing more shit on them then simple shin guards. Its taking blow after blow, going down over and over, being crushed under weight, and then getting back up. I HIGHLY doubt any socccer player could survive the amount of crap a running back has to take.Really, watch my video. Say the same thing. I dare you.Quote from: Magus22 on July 05, 2006, 02:18:20 amI made one referance to Football in my first post and you took it to a whole new level.You know nothing of strategy from both sports obviously. Strategy is crucial. Again, please stop... Logged Burning Zeppelin God of War (+3000) Posts: 3137 Re: The World Cup « Reply #31 on: July 09, 2006, 06:29:53 pm » ITALY WINSZIDANE GETS RED CARDED IN LAST MATCH EVER FOR HEADBUTTING SOME DUDE IN THE CHEST Logged but2002 Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 297 Death Omen. Re: The World Cup « Reply #32 on: July 10, 2006, 01:18:21 am » While Playing TurfBattles, THe second Italy won, 30 Messages appeared saying it, and flooded the servers causing them to crash. Logged Daniel Krispin Guest Re: The World Cup « Reply #33 on: July 10, 2006, 02:05:49 am » Quote from: CyberSarkany on July 06, 2006, 08:11:10 amQuote from: Daniel Krispin on July 05, 2006, 01:29:30 pmYeah, well maybe a good thing. I was worried that if Germany got into a final match with France and lost there, they'd just drive over France with their tanks again in retaliation.Why should we do that? I can also say "If France would have lost, they would have bombed us back 100 years like they did during the 30-year-war"(don't know if this is the actual term in english).Not funny Wasn't meant to be offensive in any way, it was just pissing me off, so sry for that!I was just making fun of German militarism. You know, like in the Simpsons: 'Ve Germans are not a Varlike people, but even ve have our limits!' And just for reference, I've got German heritage, so maybe that's why I thought it funny. Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 Re: The World Cup « Reply #34 on: July 10, 2006, 07:51:43 am » Quote from: Burning Zeppelin on July 09, 2006, 06:29:53 pmITALY WINSZIDANE GETS RED CARDED IN LAST MATCH EVER FOR HEADBUTTING SOME DUDE IN THE CHESTZidane's headbutt was unbelievable. Even if the guy insulted his mother or anyone, it was really something Zidane shouldn't have done... Logged Burning Zeppelin God of War (+3000) Posts: 3137 Re: The World Cup « Reply #35 on: July 10, 2006, 09:36:57 am » Yeah, but Zidane has a history of outbursts like that.Ok, one outburst. Still, he won the Golden Ball.Oh, and France deserved to win. I went for Italy though, so I'm happy. Heh, Chrono '99. Logged CyberSarkany Heir to the Masamune Black Wind Agent (+600) Posts: 695 "So zetta slow!" Re: The World Cup « Reply #36 on: July 10, 2006, 09:42:17 am » Quote from: Daniel Krispin on July 10, 2006, 02:05:49 amQuote from: CyberSarkany on July 06, 2006, 08:11:10 amQuote from: Daniel Krispin on July 05, 2006, 01:29:30 pmYeah, well maybe a good thing. I was worried that if Germany got into a final match with France and lost there, they'd just drive over France with their tanks again in retaliation.Why should we do that? I can also say "If France would have lost, they would have bombed us back 100 years like they did during the 30-year-war"(don't know if this is the actual term in english).Not funny Wasn't meant to be offensive in any way, it was just pissing me off, so sry for that!I was just making fun of German militarism. You know, like in the Simpsons: 'Ve Germans are not a Varlike people, but even ve have our limits!' And just for reference, I've got German heritage, so maybe that's why I thought it funny.Making fun of the US militarism would be too easy, wouldn't it? It's finally over, a lot of drunken people are still on the street, some even went to school today, but it's over. I was watching the headbutt and the rest of the game, but it wasn't that exciting IMO. At least Zidane used a stylish way to say goodbye. Logged Burning Zeppelin God of War (+3000) Posts: 3137 Re: The World Cup « Reply #37 on: July 10, 2006, 10:15:17 am » Uh, Daniel Krispin is Canadian. Sure, no MILITARY jokes, but jokes nonetheless. « Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 10:19:22 am by Burning Zeppelin » Logged CyberSarkany Heir to the Masamune Black Wind Agent (+600) Posts: 695 "So zetta slow!" Re: The World Cup « Reply #38 on: July 10, 2006, 10:46:44 am » Well, I wasn't trying to make joke of the country he lives in, more about the country who obviously is militaristic. Logged Burning Zeppelin God of War (+3000) Posts: 3137 Re: The World Cup « Reply #39 on: July 11, 2006, 01:03:59 am » Ah. Oh, and you are right, the game wasn't interesting. It didn't strike me as a final, but that might be the whole 4am in the morning attitude. Logged Burning Zeppelin God of War (+3000) Posts: 3137 Re: The World Cup « Reply #40 on: July 12, 2006, 12:18:06 am » The World Cup is over. Topic Locked. Logged Print Pages: 1 2 [3] « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Zenan Plains - Site Discussion » General Discussion » The World Cup