Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Card Game  (Read 651 times)


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Chrono Trigger Card Game
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:19:15 pm »
Uh...I'm not sure if this is related to the CTRP forum one, but someone asked me to post this and asked you forumers to help fill out the third set.


Here's a text version of the rulebook (since there's no artist):
Table of Contents:
Card Types
Sequence of Gameplay
Winning the Game
Deck construction
Card List
1.                       Card Types
There are seven card types in Chrono Trigger. All are detailed below:
Warrior cards-
Warrior cards are used for battle in Chrono Trigger. You can only have up to four warriors on the field at a time. You may use the special effect after you draw a card unless stated otherwise. No two warriors can be placed on the field with the same name at one time. EX:
Crono (Silent Thoughts)(1)
Male (2)
Effect: Draw a card whenever this card is attacked (3)
Magic Points: 10 (4)
Power: 4 (5)
Reward: 1 (6)
Cost: 1(7)
Time: 1000 AD (8)
1=The name of the warrior
2=Whether the warrior is male or female
3=Any special effects the card has
4=How many Magic Points it has to play skills
5=If this number beats your opponents, that card is defeated and sent to the discard pile
6=You pick up one reward when you win
7=How much it costs to attack from your hand
8=When in this time, this card gets plus one to all stats except cost
Enemy cards-
Enemy cards are used to wittle down your opponent's warrior barrage. You can only have five enemies on the field at a time. You MAY have more than one enemy on the field with the same name. You can use the special effect any time during your turn unless stated otherwise. EX:
Avian Chaos (1)
Lasts: 2 turns (2)
Effect: When this card is defeated, search your deck for a different enemy (3)
Cost: 1 (4)
1=The name of the enemy
2=This card lasts that many turns before it's discarded along with an opponent's warrior, but if attacked it's discarded by itself
3=The special effect
4=How much it costs to bring it on the field
Skill cards-
Skill cards are cards used by warriors to aid them in battle. Skills can do many things from attacking to healing. EX:
Cyclone (1)
Power: 4 (2)
Effect: Hits two of your opponent’s warriors (3)
Cost: 2 (4)
1=The name of the skill
2=How much power it has (see warrior's power above)
3=The card's effect
4=How many cards you have to discard from your hand to attack with it
Area cards-
Area cards are the areas featured in this set. Only one can be on the field at any time. EX:
Crono’s House (1)
1000 AD (2)
Cost: 2 (3)
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for an item (4)
1=The location
2=What era it's in
3=How many cards are discarded from your hand to play it
4=The effect used at the beginning of either player's turn
Ally cards-
Ally cards are regular people hanging around when the main characters go through. They can range from homeless people to high kings. They help the warriors in many ways. EX:
Crono’s Mom (1)
Effect: Discard a card to draw a card (2)
Cost: 0 (3)
"Wake up Crono!" (4)
1=Occupation/name of civilian
2=Effect of the card
3=How many cards you must discard to play this card
4=A quote by the ally
Item cards-
Items the warriors use to help themselves or others. They can heal a character, hurt another, or even help your opponent and you (yet you more.)
Wooden Sword (1)
Effect: Power +2 (2)
Cost: 2 (3)
1=What the item is
2=What the item does
3=How many cards you have to discard to play the item
2.                       Sequence of Gameplay
A turn consists of steps that can for the most part be done in any order.
Start Phase-
v     Draw a card
v     Place your starting warrior on the field
Battle Phase-
v     You may place a warrior on the field
v     You may use an item
v     You may use an ally
v     You may send out an enemy
v     You may change the area
v     You may send your warrior to attack an opponent’s warrior
End Phase-
v     Discard until you have 6 cards left
EX: Jim won rock, paper, scissors (or a coin flip.) He got out Crono (ST) for his starting warrior. He drew a Crono's Mom
            He placed Gato (MR) on the field. He didn’t have any items. He used Weapon Woman to search his deck for an item, discarding the enemy Avian Chaos. He took a Tonic, showed it to his opponent, and placed it in his hand. His opponent hadn’t gone yet, so he couldn’t attack.
            Bill placed Taban (GF) as his starting warrior. Then he drew an Toma (A)
            He placed Toma on the field. He brought out a Beetle. He didn’t have items. The rest of his hand was enemies. He attacked with Toma  against Jim’s Gato. 4 is higher then 3, so Gato was defeated. He was going to be discarded, but Jim played Tonic.
            Jim drew a Wooden Sword. He equipped it to Crono so he could beat Toma etc.
3.                       Winning the game
You can win the game by getting all ten of the rewards. You're opponent doesn't lose however if they lose all cards in their deck. If that happens, they shuffle their discard pile and use it as a deck
4.                       Deck Construction

   1. A deck must contain 50 cards, no more, no less
   2. Ten of them must be used for rewards
   3. You may only have up to 20 warriors in a deck
   4. Only 4 copies of any card in your deck

     5.        Card List
Crono (Silent Thoughts)
Gato (Musical Robot)
Marle (Girl At the Fair)
Lucca (Inventor)
Frog (Queen's Protector)
Taban (Genius Father)
Toma (Adventurer)
Steel Runner (Racing Knight)
Catalack (Racing Cat)
Green Rambler (Racing Reptite)
G.I. Jogger (Racing Soldier)
Vicks (Soldier of Norstein)
Wedge (Norstein's Helper)
Piette (Assistant to Norstein)
Crono's Mom
Young Man
Young Lady
Mayor's Receptionist
Weapon Woman
Record Keeper
Communication's Expert
1000 AD Soldier
600 AD Soldier
Ticket Clerk
Piano Player
Fake Chancellor
Knight Captain
Crono's House
Mayor's Manor
Truce Residence
Porre Residence
Guardia Forest (1000 AD)
Leene Square
Truce Canyon
Truce Bar
Guardia Forest (600 AD)
Guardia Castle (600 AD)
Guardia Castle (1000 AD)
Truce Residence
Truce Market
Snail Stop
Wooden Sword
Iron Blade
Power Tab
Power Glove
Bronze Mail
Maiden's Suit
Steel Saber
Speed Belt
Karate Gi
Bronze Helm
Dart Gun
Flame Toss
Hypno Wave
Slurp Cut
Aura Whirl
Flame Whirl
Needle Spin
Musical Attack
Hidden Punch
Avian Chaos
Blue Imp
Green Imp
Roly Rider
Blue Eaglet
Mad Bat
Ferry Ride
Shopping At the Market
Chicken Dance
Want to Sell That Pendant?
Finding the Lost Cat
Lost in the Portal
Missing Queen
Not Real Nuns
Frog Surprise
Finding the Bromide
A Warrior's Fault
Chancellor Found

One of you can take over for set 3 in my two week absence starting today. Here is a card list with effects for set 1:

Warriors (set 1)
Crono (Silent Thoughts)
Effect: Draw a card whenever this card is attacked
Magic Points: 10
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Gato (Musical Robot)
Effect: You may discard a card to search your deck for a skill
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Marle (Girl at the Fair)
Effect: You may discard a card to search your deck for an ally
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Lucca (Inventor)
Effect: Discard two cards to flip a coin. If heads, take the top three cards of your discard pile into your hand but if tails, draw two cards
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Frog (Queen’s Protector)
Effect: Discard a card to search your deck for an item
Magic Points: 8
Power: 5
Reward: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 600 AD
Taban (Genius Father)
Effect: Whenever this card loses a battle, draw a card
Magic Points: 6
Power: 5
Reward: 1
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Toma (Adventurer)
Effect: Discard a card to search your deck for an area
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 600 AD
Steel Runner (Racing Knight)
Effect: Discard the top card of your deck to search your deck for any card
Magic Points: 6
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Catalack (Racing Cat)
Effect: This card’s power is 5 when attacking somebody with “Racing” in their name
Magic Points: 6
Power: 2
Reward: 1
Cost: 0
Time: 1000 AD
Green Ambler (Racing Reptite)
Effect: Discard the bottom card of your deck to search your deck for any card
Magic Points: 6
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
G.I. Jogger (Racing Soldier)
Effect: Discard two cards from your hand to search your deck for any card
Magic Points: 6
Power: 3
Reward: 1
Cost: 0
Time: 1000 AD
Vicks (Soldier of Norstein)
Effect: When this card loses a battle, shuffle two cards from your discard pile into your deck
Magic Points: 7
Power: 5
Reward: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Wedge (Norstein’s Helper)
Effect: You may discard this warrior to make your opponent discard the top two cards of their deck
Magic Points: 7
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Piette (Assistant to Norstein)
Effect: You may discard this warrior to make your opponent discard two cards from their hand
Magic Points: 7
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Allies (set 1)
Crono’s Mom
Effect: Wake up a warrior
Cost: 1
“Wake up Crono!”
Young Lady
Effect: Search your deck for an area
Cost: 1
“What’s Lucca made this time?”
Effect: Discard an opponent’s card in their hand, and they draw a card
Cost: 0
“I’d rather serve you then be at the fair!”
Young man
Effect: Both players discard their hands
Cost: 0
“I hope the big earthquake isn’t coming”
Mayor’s Receptionist
Effect: Search your deck for an area
Cost: 1
“This is the Mayor’s Manor.”
Weapon Woman
Effect: Search your deck for an item
Cost: 1
“Would you like to learn about weapons?”
Record Keeper
Effect: The time period you’re in right now remains for at least the next three turns.
Cost: 2
“Record your data in dangerous areas.”
Communications Expert
Effect; Search your deck for 2 allies
Cost: 2
“Talk to lots of people to learn!”
1000 AD Soldier
Effect: Search your deck for a Skill
Cost: (must be in 1000 AD)
“Skills are learned in battle.”
600 AD Soldier
Effect: Search your deck for a Skill
Cost: (must be in 600 AD)
“This is the Kingdom of Guardia!”
Effect: You may look at your opponent’s hand. Draw a card for each ally in their hand.
Cost: 2
“Want my advice?”
Effect: Cure any status effect a warrior has
Cost: 3
“Monsters may infect you in battle.”
Effect: Search your deck for two items
Cost: 2
“Better equip yourself right!”
Expert Escapist
Effect: Stop a battle
Cost: 3
“Know when to run.”
Ticket Clerk
Effect: Discard a card from your opponent’s hand and search your deck for an area
Cost: 3
“Only 10 gil.”
Piano Player
Effect: Your opponent discards 5 cards from his or her hand
Cost: 4
“Whadya wanna hear?”
Fake Chancellor
Effect: When one of your warriors is defeated, put him into your hand
Cost: 4
Knight Captain
Effect: Increase your power by 2
Cost: 4
“Zenan Bridge is our last defense!”
Effect: Discard your hand to search your deck for 4 different cards
Cost: 0
“Act like a chicken!”
Areas (set 1)
Crono’s House
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for an item
Mayor’s Manor
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a warrior
Truce Residence
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for an ally
Porre Residence
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a skill
Guardia Forest
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, draw two cards
Leene Square
1000 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any card
Truce Canyon
600 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle a card from your discard pile into your deck
Truce Bar
600 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads flip your discard pile over and use it as your deck for the next three turns
Guardia Forest
600 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, discard the top 2 cards of your opponent’s deck
Guardia Castle
600 AD
Cost: 4
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for an item and a warrior
600 AD
Cost: 5
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your hand into your deck then draw 5 cards
Guardia Castle
1000 AD
Cost: 4
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your hand into your deck then draw 4 cards
Truce Residence
600 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for an item
Truce Market
600 AD
Cost: 4
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for two items
Snail Stop
1000 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, flip your deck over and continue game play regularly
Items (set 1)
Wooden Sword
Effect: Power +2
Cost: 1
Iron Blade
Effect: Power +1 Reward +1
Cost: 2
Effect: (use when a warrior is defeated) bring him back on the field
Cost: 1
Effect: (use when more than warrior is discarded) bring them back on the field
Cost: 3
Power Tab
Effect: Increase a warrior’s power by 1
Cost: 3
Power Glove
Effect: Power +2
Cost: 1
Effect: Recover 5 magic points
Cost: 2
Bronze Mail
Effect: Reward +2
Cost: 4 (males only)
Effect: Bring back any warrior from your discard pile
Cost: 3
Maiden Suit
Effect: Reward +2
Cost: 4 (females only)
Steel Saber
Effect: Power +3 Reward +1
Cost: 6
Speed Belt
Effect: Choose a warrior. This warrior may attack twice this turn.
Cost: 3
Karate Gi
Effect: Reward+1
Cost: 1
Bronze Helm
Effect: Stop a warrior from being defeated
Cost: 3
Dart Gun
Effect: Power +3
Cost: 3
Skills (set 1)
Power: 4
Effect: Hits two of your opponent’s warriors
Cost: 2
Power: 4
Effect: If this attack kills a warrior, draw a card.
Cost: 2
Power: 0
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, stop a warrior from being discarded
Cost: 1
Power: 0
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, one of your opponent’s warriors is now confused
Cost: 1
Flame Toss
Power: 3
Effect: Hits three of your opponent’s warriors
Cost: 1
Hypno Wave
Power: 0
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, one of your opponent’s warriors is now asleep
Cost: 1
Power: 0
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, stop a warrior from being discarded
Cost: 1
Slurp Cut
Power: 5
Effect: N/A
Cost: 2
Aura Whirl
Power: 0
Effect: (Requires a warrior with Aura equipped and one with Cyclone) Stop three warriors from being discarded
Cost: 2 from each
Flame Whirl
Power: 4
Effect: (Requires a warrior with Flame Toss equipped and one with Cyclone) This attack hits two warriors
Cost: 2 from each
Power: 6
Effect: N/A
Cost: 3 from each
Needle Spin
Power: 0
Effect: Choose three of your opponent’s warriors. Flip a coin for each. If you get heads all three times, they’re all defeated
Cost: 2
Musical Attack
Power: 1
Effect: Add 4 power to the warrior using this if it’s Gato
Cost: 1
Hidden Punch
Power: 4
Effect: This attack may only be used right before the warrior is defeated.
Cost: 2
Power: 3
Effect: Use this attack after being attacked even if it is blocked
Cost: 2
Enemies (set 1)
Avian Chaos
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: When this card is defeated, search your deck for a different enemy
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: This card may be defeated in place of a warrior
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: When this card is defeated, search your deck for an item
Cost: 1
Blue Imp
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: When this card is defeated, draw a card
Cost: 1
Green Imp
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: When this card is defeated, draw two cards
Cost: 1
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: After one turn of this card being on the field, you may discard a card from your hand to put it back to two turns
Cost: 2
Roly Rider
Lasts: 3 turns
Effect: (you must discard a green imp and a roly to bring this on the field) when this card is defeated, make your opponent discard 2 cards
Cost: 0
Blue Eaglet
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: N/A
Cost: 0
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: You may bring out more than one Diablos when you bring out monsters
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, this card cannot be attacked
Cost: 1
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: Discard 3 cards from your hand to bring back a warrior from your discard pile into your hand
Cost: 2
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: This card must be attacked three times to be defeated
Cost: 3
Mad Bat
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: Discard a card to keep this card on the field instead of discarding it
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: When this card is defeated, discard two of your opponent’s warriors instead of one.
Cost: 4
Lasts: Unlimited turns
Effect: (This card must be attack three times to die) each time this card is attacked, search your deck for an item. If this card is not attacked for two turns, make your opponent discard their hand
Cost: 3
Events (set 1)
Effect: Discard all cards on the field
Requires: The same amount of cards on both player’s fields
Effect: Search your deck for a skill
Requires: Two allies in your hand
Ferry Ride
Effect: Search your deck for an area
Requires: At least two warriors on each player’s field
Shopping at the Market
Effect: Search your deck for an item
Requires: Three or more cards in your hand
Chicken Dance
Effect: Draw a card
Requires: Three or less cards in your hand
Want To Sell That Pendant?
Effect: Your opponent must discard three cards and draw two
Requires: Two items in your hand
Finding the Lost Cat
Effect: Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw the same amount of cards as were in your hand
Requires: 1000 AD
Lost In the Portal
Effect: Search your deck for all of your areas. Shuffle them, then draw one. That is the new area
Requires: Four cards in your hand
Effect: Search your deck for a warrior
Requires: 600 AD
Missing Queen
Effect: Your opponent shuffles a warrior on the field into his deck
Requires: One card in your hand
Not Real Nuns
Effect: Search your deck for an enemy
Requires: Two warriors on the field
Frog Surprise
Effect: Search your deck for a warrior and place it on the field
Requires: Two cards in your discard pile
Finding the Bromide
Effect: Search your deck for three enemies and place them on the field
Requires: One warrior, no enemies on the field
A Warrior’s Fault
Effect: Return a warrior from the field to your hand to search your deck for a different warrior
Requires: Three warriors on the field
Chancellor Found
Effect: Search your deck for any two warriors. Discard one of them to negate the cost for the other
Requires: Nothing
Set 2:
Warriors (set 2)
Crono (Falsely Accused)
Effect: Negate an ally played by an opponent when you have four or more cards in your hand
Magic Points: 10
Power: 4
Rewards: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Marle (Princess)
Effect: Discard three cards to search your deck for three allies
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Rewards: 1
Cost: 0
Time: 1000 AD
Lucca (Hero)
Effect: Discard an opponent’s card on the field besides a warrior. If there are none, look at their hand. Discard an ally from it if any
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Rewards: 1
Cost: 0
Time: 1000 AD
Prison Supervisor (Executioner)
Effect: Discard a card to search your deck for an event
Magic Points: 6
Power: 4
Rewards: 2
Cost: 4
Time: 1000 AD
Johnny Rocket (Racer)
Effect: You may instead of discarding an opponent’s warrior, draw two cards when this card has no rewards.
Magic Points: 10
Power: 5
Rewards: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 2300 AD
Robo (Robotic Teammate)
Effect: You may draw a card whenever a robot attacks this card
Magic Points: 8
Power: 3
Rewards: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 2300 AD
R-64Y (Malfunction)
Effect: Whenever you’re against Robo, you may increase your power by 1 and lower your rewards by 1
Magic Points: 8
Power: 3
Rewards: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 2300 AD
R-67Y (Power in Numbers)
Effect: When this card is brought out on the field, you may bring out another robot
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Rewards: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 2300 AD
R-69Y (Destroy)
Effect: If this warrior wins a battle against Robo, take an extra reward
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Rewards: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 2300 AD
Fritz (Guilt by Association)
Effect: When an opponent’s ally targets this card, you may select a different target
Magic Points: 6
Power: 2
Rewards: 3
Cost: 2
Time: 1000 AD
Sir Krawlie (Giant Worm)
Effect: You may draw a card. If it is an area, switch it with the current one unless it’s not 2300 AD
Magic Points: 4
Power: 4
Rewards: 2
Cost: 4
Time: 2300 AD
Guardian (And Bits)
Effect: This card must die two times to be destroyed
Magic Points: 2
Power: 6
Rewards: 0
Cost: 2
Time: 2300 AD
RX-XR (Race Log)
Effect: If you win three battles when this card is on the field, draw two cards
Magic Points: 6
Power: 3
Rewards: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 2300 AD
Spekkio (Master of War)
Effect: You may transfer a technique attached to this warrior to any other warrior
Magic Points: 20
Power: 6
Rewards: 1
Cost: 2
Time: No time
R-59Y (Back Row)
Effect: You may not attack this turn to discard your opponent’s hand
Magic Points: 8
Power: 5
Rewards: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 2300 AD
Allies (set 2)
Norstein Bekkler
Effect: Both player discard three cards, then draw three cards
Cost: 0
Effect: A warrior on the opponent’s side of the field cannot attack or defend until the next turn
Cost: 3
“I’m the chancellor, the prosecutor!”
Effect: Discard this card to stop a battle
Cost: 1
“But Princess Nadia said…”
Effect: Discard an opponent’s ally before applying the effect
Cost: 2
“I’m the lawyer, Pierre.”
Effect: Make an ally do the opposite of its effect
Cost: 2
“Crono, you are hereby ordered to tell the truth!”
Effect: Search your deck for any two cards
Cost: 3
“Not guilty.”
King Guardia XXXIII
Effect: Look at your opponent’s hand. If there are any warriors, bring it on your side of the field for two turns, then discard it.
Cost: 4
“That’s enough, my dear”
Effect: This card is treated as a warrior with 2 power and 0 rewards. Discard this card after two turns
Cost: 2
“Knock it off!”
Effect: Three warriors on both players’ sides of the field are discarded in three turns
Cost: 0
“If you’re looking for food, you lose!”
Poor Merchant
Effect: If you have two cards in your hand, draw three cards
Cost: 1
“You call this money?”
Effect: Shuffle any amount of cards from your hand into your deck. Then, take that amount of cards from the top of your discard pile
Cost: 2
“Hey, we’ve got people who crossed the ruins!”
Effect: Shuffle a warrior from your discard pile into your deck
Cost: 1
“Daddy’s sure taking his time.”
Sir Krawlie’s Guard
Effect: If you have two copies of this card in your hand, discard them to search your deck for any card
Cost: 1
“The 3 of them are almost here!”
Sir Krawlie’s Underling
Effect: If you have three copies of this card in your hand, discard them to search your deck for any card
Cost: 0
“It’s out of reach, ribbit!”
Sir Krawlie’s General
Effect: Discard this card to search your deck for any card
Cost: 2
“Let’s scram! Grribbit!”
Areas (set 2)
1000 AD
Cost: 1
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, both you and your opponent choose one warrior that must battle the other if they battle any warrior
Prison Area
1000 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, one of your opponent’s warriors cannot battle for the next three turns
Trann Dome
2300 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for three allies
Lab 16
2300 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for three enemies
Arris Dome
2300 AD
Cost: 3
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for three items
Sewer Access
2300 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any two cards with Sir Krawlie in the name
Lab 32
2300 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any two robot type warriors
Proto Dome
2300 AD
Cost: 4
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any three cards
2300 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any card
Lab Section
2300 AD
Cost: 2
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any two enemies
Items (set 2)
Mid Tonic
Effect: You may use this card twice. (Use when a warrior is defeated) bring him back on the field
Cost: 2
Lode Sword
Effect: Power +5
Cost: 5
Effect: Power +4. This warrior is confused
Cost: 1
Lode Bow
Effect: Power +3
Cost: 3
Effect: Pick three allies from your discard pile and put them in your hand
Cost: 3
Mid Ether
Effect: Recover 10 magic
Cost: 4
Rage Band
Effect: Search your deck for two Counterattack skills
Cost: 1
Bolt Sword
Effect: Power +6
Cost: 6
Robin Bow
Effect: Power +2 Reward +1
Cost: 4
Titan Vest
Effect: Reward +2
Cost: 4
Hammer Arm
Effect: Power +1 Reward +2
Cost: 5
Plasma Gun
Effect: Power +2. When attacking a robot, flip a coin. If heads, it can’t attack one turn
Cost: 3
Iron Suit
Effect: Reward +1
Cost: 2
Effect: Cure any status changes to a warrior
Cost: 1
Effect: Bring back a warrior from your discard pile
Cost: 3
Skills (set 2)
Power: 4
Effect: Robots cannot use this
Cost: 2
Power: Double
Effect: This card’s power is double the regular power
Cost: 6
Power: 4
Effect: Robots cannot use this
Cost: 2
Power: 0
Effect: Robots can’t use this. This technique can be used twice. (Use when a warrior loses a battle) Keep it on the field
Cost: 2
Power: 4
Effect: Robots cannot use this
Cost: 2
Power: 5
Effect: If your opponent has four or more warriors on the field, this hits two of them.
Cost: 3
Rocket Punch
Power: 4
Effect: Only robots can use this
Cost: 1
Cure Beam
Power: 0
Effect: Only robots can use this. This technique can be used twice. (Use when a warrior loses a battle) Keep it on the field
Cost: 2
Laser Spin
Power: 3
Effect: Only robots can use this. This hits all of your opponent’s warriors
Cost: 3
Robo Tackle
Power: 5
Effect: Only robots can use this
Cost: 2
Ice Sword
Power: 6
Effect: (One warrior must have Ice equipped and one must have Spincut)
Cost: 2 each
Fire Sword
Power: 6
Effect: (One warrior must have Fire equipped and one must have Spincut)
Cost: 2 each
Rocket Roll
Power: 5
Effect: (One warrior must have Laser Spin equipped and one must have Slash) This attack hits all enemies
Cost: 2 each
Power: 6
Effect: (One warrior must have Fire equipped and one must have Ice)
Cost: 2 each
Ice Tackle
Power: 6
Effect: (One warrior must have Ice equipped and one must have Robo Tackle)
Cost: 2 each
Enemies (set 2)
Blue Shield
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: This card can only be destroyed on the second turn
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: This card can only be brought on the field when a warrior is defeated
Cost: 0
Lasts: 3 turns
Effect: If this card is defeated on the first turn, draw a card. The second, draw two cards. The third draw three cards
Cost: 2
Lasts: Unlimited
Effect: This card is treated as a warrior. It has 3 attack and 2 rewards
Cost: 3
Dragon Tank
Lasts: 3 turn
Effect: When this card is defeated, don’t discard it unless it’s been attacked three times in one turn
Cost: 2
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: You may bring out up to three craters the turn this is put out
Cost: 1
Meat Eater
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: If any enemies are defeated while this is on the field (or this card is defeated on its second turn) negate the defeat
Cost: 4
Lasts: 8 turns
Effect: (This card must be attacked 5 times to be sent to the discard pile) If this card is not attacked 5 times by the eighth turn, discard an opponent’s warrior AND keep it on the field for an additional 8 turns
Cost: 3
Lasts: 4 turns
Effect: (This card must be attacked twice to die) If this card is not attacked twice in the four turns, draw two cards and discard the top two cards of your opponent’s deck
Cost: 1
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: This card only can be killed by a skill
Cost: 2
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: N/A
Cost: 1
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: This card may use spells, but the magic points are taken from an opponent’s warrior
Cost: 2
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: This card is considered to be a robot card
Cost: 1
Lasts: 1 turn
Effect: You may place this under any card you put on the field (after paying the cost) then at any time pull it out from under and use it as an enemy
Cost: 1
Lasts: 2 turns
Effect: When this card is on the field at the same time as an acid, you may discard them both to discard two of your opponent’s warriors
Cost: 2
Events (set 2)
Effect: Choose one of your warriors. All cards your opponent plays that target “a warrior” is now for that card
Requires: Three warriors on the field or more
Break Out
Effect: Any cards that target one of your warriors (or more) for more than one turn are now discarded
Requires: Five cards in your hand
Execution Day
Effect: Discard an opponent’s warrior after three turns
Requires: Three or less cards in your hand
Knock Out the Guard
Effect: Chose one of your warriors. That card cannot attack this turn. Choose one of your opponent’s warriors. That card cannot attack the next two turns
Requires: An item equipped to a warrior
Destruction of the Dragon Tank
Effect: Discard one of your opponent’s enemies
Requires: Crono or Lucia on the field
New Time Gate
Effect: Switch areas for no cost
Requires: One card in your hand
To Trann Dome!
Effect: You may play the Trann Dome area for no cost
Requires: Three or less cards in your hand
Battle of the Mutants and Warriors
Effect: All cards are discarded off the field except for warriors and “Mutant” enemies
Requires: Six cards in your hand
Starving Future
Effect: A warrior from each player’s side of the field are discarded
Requires: Two warriors on field
Died for His Family
Effect: Discard a warrior to make your opponent discard the top five cards of their deck
Requires: Nothing
It’s A Live Rat?
Effect: You and your opponent discard a card. If your card’s name had more letters, draw two cards
Requires: 5 cards in your hand
Day of Lavos
Effect: Discard all warriors, enemies, and the area that is on the field
Requires: The same amount of warriors and enemies on both player’s fields
Through the Sewers!
Effect: Discard all cards with Sir Krawlie in their names
Requires: 2 cards in your hand or more
A Race!
Effect: You and your opponent discard a card. If yours has a longer name, switch areas for no cost
Requires: Nothing
Robot Repairmen
Effect: Put a robot card from your discard pile into your hand
Requires: 4 cards or more in your discard pile
Set 3 (All the things written under are finished except for events which I left blank except the names):
Warriors (set 3)
Crono (Magical Warrior)
Effect: Decrease the cost to play Lightning by one when this card uses it
Magic Points: 10
Power: 4
Reward: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD
Marle (Magical Ruler)
Effect: Whenever this card uses Ice as a technique, add 1 power to it
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Lucca (Magical Scientist)
Effect: Whenever this card uses Fire as a technique, and another warrior has a Spincut, search your deck for a Fire Sword technique
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 1000 AD
Robo (One without Magic)
Effect: This card cannot use Lightning, Ice, Water, or Fire
Magic Points: 8
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 2300 AD
Taban (Protection)
Effect: This card cannot attack for two turns. After the two turns, if you have a Lucca on the field, she must be defeated twice to be discarded
Magic Points: 6
Power: 5
Reward: 1
Cost: 4
Time: 1000 AD
Knight Captain (Chef’s Brother)
Effect: Whenever this card uses a skill, draw a card
Magic Points: 8
Power: 5
Reward: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 600 AD
Ozzie (Goofy General)
Effect: Whenever this card is attacked three times and isn’t defeated, take a reward
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Reward: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 600 AD
Toma (Rainbow Shell)
Effect: Whenever you search your deck for an item and this card is on the field, search your deck for two items instead
Magic Points: 8
Power: 5
Reward: 1
Cost: 4
Time: 600 AD
Frog (Hermit)
Effect: When this card is in 600 AD, it can’t be attacked or attack until the era changes
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Reward: 2
Cost: 2
Time: 600 AD
Tata (“Legendary Hero”)
Effect: When this card is defeated, draw two cards. If either has the word “hero” in it, don’t discard him
Magic Points: 6
Power: 2
Rewards: 3
Cost: 2
Time: 600 AD
Masa (Twin of Bravery)
Effect: When on the field with Mune, you may discard both to search your deck for a Masamune warrior card
Magic Points: 4
Power: 5
Rewards: 0
Cost: 1
Time: 600 AD
Mune (Twin of Brains)
Effect: When on the field with Masa, you may discard both to search your deck for a Masamune warrior card
Magic Points: 12
Power: 3
Rewards: 2
Cost: 3
Time: 600 AD
Masamune (Brothers Combined)
Effect: This card can only be brought on the field by Masa or Mune’s effect
Magic Points: 12
Power: 5
Rewards: 1
Cost: 4
Time: 600 AD
Melchior (Fix the Masamune)
Effect: If in 65,000,000 BC, shuffle all the items from your discard pile into your deck
Magic Points: 8
Power: 4
Rewards: 1
Cost: 1
Time: 1000 AD and after
Allies (set 3)
Brown Imp Citizen
Effect: When you switch areas, only you can use the effect the first two turns
Cost: 1
“Medina village was founded by the ancestors of the Mystics, who lost a warrior to human beings.”
Blue Imp Citizen
Effect: When you switch areas, only you can use the effect the first three turns
Cost: 2
“My motto is ‘forgive and forget’ but not many seem to agree with me.”
Hench Storeowner
Effect: Your opponent cannot play items unless they double the cost
Cost: 5
“Nothing here to sell for humans!”
Omnicrone Shopper
Effect: Whenever you play items, cut the cost in half
Cost: 5
“No human’s gonna talk to ME!”
Diablos Citizen
Effect: Whenever you draw a card, you may draw an additional card. If you get over 6 cards, discard your hand
Cost: 2
“You’re spoilin’ my meal!”
Hench Innkeeper
Effect: (Use when two warriors or less are going to be discarded) Keep them on the field
Cost: 3
“No room here for humans!”
Ozzie VIII
Effect: Look at your opponent’s hand. If they have any allies, use them (paying the cost) but they’re not discarded
Cost: 1
“I’m Ozzie VIII, Medina village’s leader!”
Green Imp Servant
Effect: (Use this when an opponent is going to look at your hand.) Negate the effect
Cost: 1
“This work is brutal.”
Blue Imp Servant
Effect: (Use this when an opponent is going to look at your hand) Do all the same thing’s your opponent is going to do to you
Cost: 2
“Ozzie VIII uses his ancestors’ fame to boss us around!”
Green Imp Servant
Effect: Search your deck for an Ozzie VIII, a card with servant in its name, or a warrior
Cost: 1
“Well, I’d better get back to work and tidy up before Ozzie VIII finds me.”
Effect: Half the cost of an item
Cost: 0
“You saved my skin back there.”
Effect: Half the cost of an item
Cost: 0
“We’re forever in your debt!”
Bell maker
Effect: Draw a card for each warrior on your opponent’s side of the field
Cost: 3
“I’ve lost the will to work.”
Wounded Soldier
Effect: (Use when a warrior is going to be defeated) keep him on the field, but he cannot attack for 3 turns
Cost: 1
Effect: Search your deck for any three cards with “soldier” in the name
Cost: 2

“That's what you get for thinkin' that you're the only ones fighting for your country!”



Effect: Stop a battle

Cost: 2

“Stop bickering!”

Areas (set 3)

Medina Village

1000 AD

Cost: 3

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any two cards


Forest Ruins

1000 AD

Cost: 1

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for two items which you cannot use until your next turn


Melchior’s Hut

1000 AD

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you don’t have to pay the cost for two allies this turn


Heckran Cave

1000 AD

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you don’t have to pay the cost for two monsters this turn


Lucca’s House

1000 AD

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you don’t have to pay the cost to attack for two warriors this turn


End of Time

No time

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you may switch areas for no cost at any time


Zenan Bridge

600 AD

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you may play two techs for no cost or search your deck for any three cards with “soldier” in their name


Dorino Village

600 AD

Cost: 2

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, you may play two events without meeting the requirements


Porre Village

600 AD

Cost: 6

Effect: (only you may use this effect) whenever a warrior is about to be discarded, flip a coin. If heads, keep him on the field


Cursed Woods

600 AD

Cost: 3

Effect: Flip a coin. If heads search your deck for a warrior but if its tails, draw two cards. If either is a warrior, place it on the field for no cost


Denadoro Mountains

600 AD


Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, discard all cards except enemies on both player’s fields

Items (set 3)

Magic Tab

Effect: Whenever you use a skill, add one power to it

Cost: 2


Speed Tab

Effect: The user of this item can attack twice
 this turn

Cost: 2


Magic Scarf

Effect: Whenever you use a skill, add two power to it

Cost: 4


Taban Vest

Effect: Negate a battle against the wearer




Effect: (Use when a warrior is defeated.) Bring him back on the field

Cost: 1


Gold Helm

Effect: Reward +3 (only males)

Cost: 5


Mirage Hand

Effect: Power +2

Cost: 2


Silver Stud

Effect: Cut all magic costs in half

Cost: 3


Silver Earring

Effect: The warrior wearing must be defeated twice to be discarded

Cost: 2


Red Katana

Effect: Power +1 and Power +1 to all skills

Cost: 2


Gold Suit

Effect: Reward

Cost: 5



Effect: Reward +3 (only females)

Cost: 5


Skills (set 3)

Doom, Doom!

Power: 5

Effect: N/A

Cost: 2


MP Buster

Power: 0

Effect: Reduce an opponent’s warrior’s Magic Points to zero

Cost: 1


X-Strike Counterattack

Power: 4

Effect: This card must be played after being attacked

Cost: 2



Power: 0

Effect: Your opponent’s warrior is confused

Cost: 2



Power: 10

Effect: If your opponent uses Slash, this attack is negated

Cost: 4


Enemies (set 3)


Events (set 3)

Out of a Closet




Mystic Attack




Defeat the Heckran




Whirlpool Transport




Father’s Work




Appreciation of




The “Hero” Will Help




King’s Been Wounded!




Brotherly Love




Hold Off His Army




Creation of Zombor




Rainbow Shell Job




Missing Husband




In Hiding




“Legendary Hero” Escape




Protection of the Sword




Brother’s Transformation




Giving Back the Medal




Melchior Forged It?




  • Porrean (+50)
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  • Posts: 67
  • Pink Cloud
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Re: Chrono Trigger Card Game
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 08:04:02 pm »
I made something like this, though not this large.