Author Topic: Multiple Time Pockets in the Chrono Series...  (Read 2015 times)

Dark Angel

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Multiple Time Pockets in the Chrono Series...
« on: September 23, 2004, 06:04:31 pm »
I've just finished reading the vary well written-out topic based on the Time Pocket & Time error theroys...

I vew these theroys to be for the most part true... Give or take a few minor opinons...

Basicly this is what I've written this far...

(Pocket Dimenton's)

Affter reading the work of Zeality Who was the first to my knolage to bring up the Idea of the Pressints of a Pocket Dimenton in the CT unavers I have now been under the impresshon of there being multiple PD... Not just the One that seruonds Lavos...

Basicly A Pocket Dimenton is a small dimenshonal gape where a small new Dimenton that is somewhere inbetween others can exist & funcon as an alternet plain of existince...

Unlike completly seperet other Dimentons of corse PD's can be acsessed thrugh serten Laws of there own reality... For exapmple the End of Time in CT...

Basicly as the game explained wean a gruop of 4 or more pepole as of the curint date in the End of Time's reality law travald in a gruop thrugh Time breach's we know as Gates... The law states that they will end up at the point where time has the least rezistince... Wich happens to be the EoT...

The EoT is a small PD where the whole Timeline of the CT unavers can be vewed & even acsessed thrugh Time Pillers...

Basicly it's only conecton too the CT unavers is the law of Time... As the Name sujest there is the possability that it's creashon may have come about the end of Time itsself... However I am more inclided to beleve that merely the absince of the law of time is the means of enterince into that PD as the Law of that PD states...

Here is the list of curint known Pocket Dimentons...

1. The End of Time

2. The Bend of Time

3. The Temperol Vortex

4. Lavos' Surounding PD

5. And the Darkniss of Time (Where the Time Devouour was residing before it was erased from ever comeing into existince)

Basicly these PD all have atlest one thing differint about them...

Reather form the Laws of Phisics like The Temperol Vortex, or the laws & or absince of Time such as in Lavos' Serounding PD...

Lavos' PD is also uniqe in the fact that it is derectly linked to the beast itsself... Lavos may even be able to acheve immortality thruogh the mere fact that Time may not flow in that PD... This is seen in the Black Omin as well... Lavos being derectly linked to the BO thrugh the power of the subdimentonal Mamon Mashin... A device created from Dreem Stone... A mineral that seems to have some strange conecton eather to the PD or to Lavos itsself...

Eather way the Dreem Stone actuly absorbed Lavos power... the BO was origenaly bilt for the perpose of mineing Lavos' power more then it could preveusly be obtaned... Yet for some strange unknown reson Lavos kept the device active for age's... Probabuly to evole a more un-nacheral way... As seen in the second phase of the final showdown with Lavos it was reveald that he was a techno-organic lifeform... Probabuly not origenaly... But he was able to evole to adapt to bowth our strongist aspects & the strongist aspects of our technologey...

It would seem that Dreem Stone was an aspect of eather Lavos or his suronding PD's law... Just as the absince of time or "Anti-Time" is to the End of Time...

Anyway this concludes my input on the possability of Multiple Pocket Dimentons in the Chrono Series...