Yeah, there is no doubt about the Frozen Flame causing the humans to evolve. My point was about all the other species of the planet. It's written everywhere in the encyclopedia and articles that Lavos manipulated the planet's species and their DNAs to his own end, but it's actually not the case, as the only quote which hints towards this is a mistranslation. Basically, we've been leaning on an erroneous piece of information for years...
What the games actually state is that Lavos just sleeps and passively absorbs the genomes which are generated by
natural evolution. It is nowhere stated that Lavos was active and controlling the planet's evolution with a particular plan. Here's an interesting example from the Japanese CT:
Lucca: The evolution this planet's life took a long time to go through, making use of it by just sleeping is too selfish......!
I believe this fact changes a lot concerning our theories about Lavos. Firstly, this means Lavos is quite an "ordinary" parasite after all, burrowing inside his host's body, profiting from the efforts of the host, and just chilling like a fungus on a badly cleaned human foot... It's quite different than the concept of a Gnostic, world manipulating Demiurge, controlling livings beings and altering/corrupting them all to his liking. And indeed, Chronopolis and the Dragonians only speak about the human contamination, they never say that animals or plants were contaminated by Lavos.
Secondly, there's the issue of the Frozen Flame's purpose. Lavos didn't alter any species on the planet,
except the humans. Why did he do that? There's only two solutions: either he did it on purpose (to further his DNA collection) or he didn't do it on purpose (the humans finding and using the Flame by themselves). The first solution is not really satisfactory, because why would Lavos choose to mutate the humans only, instead of all the planet's species, with different levels of evolutions?
I think the second solution makes more sense, as we know the humans did cause Lavos some problems:
-they created the Mammon Machine to absorb his power, i.e. they totally reversed Lavos's life cycle (Lavos
is the one who's supposed to absorb their power, not vice versa!),
-they (Magus) summoned him and disturbed his slumber,
-and ultimately, they (Crono's party) outright killed him and his spawns...
All these nuisances kind of give credence to the possibility of the human "biological contamination" being something accidental, which wasn't planned nor wanted by Lavos. I mean, Lavos's plan is to absorb the DNA of the planet's species, not to
give away his DNA to one of the planet's species. The accident would have been that the early humans found the Frozen Flame by themselves, and used it to
their own ends instead of Lavos's.
Lastly, all this would imply that the
creation of the Frozen Flame was also accidental, and not part of Lavos's life cycle, since that Flame would be without purpose to Lavos and would even actually be an issue for him. This would also help explain why the Devourer of Time menace is so unique: its creation was caused by pure chance, a Time Devourer doesn't risk forming on every planet of the universe that is parasited by a Lavos.
Well, the latter part of my post is just my theories. I think they make sense (yeah well, of course), but in any case, if there was only one thing to remember from this topic, it's the 100% valid fact that Lavos did not control the planet's life evolution!