The football players who get to play Turkey day games are truly honored to do so. Many of them in the Dolphins / Lions game earlier gave interviews during a program bump noting how they're blessed to take part in the time-honored tradition of playing football so that every American at home can have a game to watch. It's a fixture of this holiday.
I still think it's BS... Thanksgiving to me is sitting around the table with
family and having quality family orientation. Gathering around the table is followed by a short but brief prayer of thanks and then onward to passing the dishes and feasting. The only time I even turned on a T.V. was after my meal, before pumpkin pie and the various desserts, and to work off that triptafan by playing a quick game of Street Fighter with my brother.
Not at all is the Thanksgiving holiday devoted to this "football" in my family. I hope it will stay that way forever.
Now many people will have different ways to celebrate this holiday, that is fine, however, sharing conversation with family members during a celestial feast outweighs that of watching any or all football games at home. It defeats the purpose of having family over in the first place, as it simply replaces traditional quality time with the family.
To me, it is simply preposterous . . .