Well, while digging around in my hard drive I found the second revision, of chapter one for the sequel project Chrono Trigger: Day of Thanatos.
It's relatively short, but it gives enough to show you what could have been.
Oh, and who am I?
I was one of the founders for the now extinct project.
Warmage_Magus, and Brownman (the true founders)
Abandoned the project quite a while ago, and I was thinking of reforming a group to restore the project.
If anyone want in, please send a note to me, or email me at YankeeJosephLeo@aol.com
also, here is the first chapter (others are still missing)
It's been three years since Chrono and his friends defeated Lavos.
And all is well in time.
Ayla is having Kino's child.
Magus is on an adventure with a new partner to find Schala
Frog has been dispelled by a powerfull friend
Robo begins restoring Guardia with the replenished future
Lucca was appointed head of Technology in Guardia
And Crono and Marle are getting married...
These are the tales of the last three years our friends have gone through.
/// Chapter 1 - Scene 1: The Wedding
/// Year: 1003 A.D. 8:00 AM
/// Music: promise_forever.mid
[ Crono is in his room looking out the window ]
[ Sound effects: Birds Chirping ]
Crono: Hmm, 3 years...
I wonder how they're all doing.
[ Sound effects: Nadia's Bell ]
Marle: Crono?
Hey! You're actually up on time.
We'd better get prepared for out big day, so come down and eat.
I made your favorite, Poi!
Crono: Huh? oh- sorry Marle, I was just thinking.
Marle, do you ever think about the others?
Marle: What? you mean...
Yeah, I do every day. In fact I kind of miss them.
Crono: Haha, that's a good thing though.
Did you ever wonder if what we did was right?
Should we of meddle with the future? or the past?
and...do you notice anything different here?
Marle: Well...I don't know, but we really should get ready.
I will meet you downstairs, please don't let it bother you too much.
Crono: Right, okay.
I'll be down in a bit.
[ Marle walks downstairs, and Crono walks into the Royal closet. ]
/// Chapter 1 - Scene 2: Return of Zeal
/// Year: 1003 A.D. 8:30 AM
/// Music: spook.mid
Whispering Voice: Crono....hmmph hmmph hmmph.
Crono: Who is that?!
Whispering Voice: Why...don't you remember?
Here let me give you a little hint.
[ Screen flashes with the Crono vs. Queen Zeal scene ]
Crono: Zeal...
How are you...Why are you here!?
We seen you die, you shouldn't be here.
Zeal: Oh? did you?
Or was it...something else you seen?
Crono: Wha...what?
Zeal: Crono, I'm coming for you...
Just you wait...
Lavos wasn't the only demon of this planet...
Crono: Zeal?!
Why!? Why is she still here.
What did she mean that Lavos wasn't the only demon.
This dosn't make any sence...
[ Sound effects: Wedding bells ring ]
Crono: Argh...why now.
I better change before everything begins.
I can't be late for my own wedding.
[ Crono changes, then walks downstairs ]
/// Chapter 1 - Scene 3: The Braclet...
/// Year: 1003 A.D. 9:00 A.M.
/// Music: Wedding.mid
Chancellor: Where is that boy?
I swear, always late.
A very unworthy King I say...
Give Crono a chance, afterall he is my husband
Chancellor: Very well, but when Guardia is in ruin don't come running to me.
Marle: Chancellor.....
***But really...where is he?!***
[ Sound effect: Door Open: LOUD ]
Crono: *pant* I....I...*huff*
[ Crono passes out ]
Marle + Chancellor: Crono!
Marle: Crono are you alright?!
Crono: Marle...what happened?
Marle: You passed out...are you okay?
Crono: Yes...is the wedding over?
Marle: No Crono, it still hasn't begun yet.
C'mon now, lets go.
Chancellor, are you ready also?
Chancellor: Yes, yes.
Now come come!
[ Chancellor and Crono leave the room ]
Marle: Huh? What's this??
[ Marle picks up a strange braclet ]
[ Marle places bracelet on hand ]
It's lovely....
[ Marle leaves room ]
Zeal: Haha...preperations are complete.
Only one more thing to do and I will be revived once more...
/// Chapter One - Scene 4: I do...
/// Year: 1003 A.D. 10:00 AM
/// Music: none
Chancellor: And do you Crono take this woman to be your lawfully wedded bride.
To honor, repect, and hold dearly till death do you part?
Crono: I do...
Chancellor: Then I now pronounce you, King and Queen
You may kiss the bride...
[ Sound Effect: Crowd Cheering ]
Crono: *smooch*
[ Sound Effect: Glimmer ]
/// Music: A_strange_happening.mid
Chancellor: Wha...What's happening!?
Marle: Crono...
Crono: Marle...your braclet- take it off!
Marle: I...I can't!!!
Ahhh. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[ Marle begins to turn into stone ]
Crono: Marle...
Zeal: Ahhhh-hahaha.
Yes...I have risen!
Restore to me great power once again oh great Thanatos!
I can feel the power surging through my body...
Crono: Zeal!?
What did you do to my bride!
Zeal: Your bride?
Oh... you mean the Bloodshard?
The kingdom of Guardia has great hidden secrets little boy.
Marle is what is known as a Bloodshard...
She is what was left of the Zealan power
and therefore linked to me.
Meaning...she could restore my power.
Crono: What?
Are you saying that Marle is related to you?
You tell a lie...
Zeal: Believe what you want, but your bride is now gone and is now a part of me.
Thanks to the braclet i've had your "Chancellor" place on the floor before you left that room.
Haha...It seems you can never trust a chancellor can you?
Chancellor: Zeal...where is my part.
You said you would give me power.
Power beyond any limit...
Zeal: Oh...yes, a deal is a deal afterall.
I shall grant your power, but can your body handle it?
Chancellor: What...arg- aaaaaargg
What are you...you wench!!
Zeal: Hahahaha
Crono: You monster...you're going to pay with your blood for this!!!
Guardian Soldier: Permission to attack sir...
Crono: No, I'm doing this on my own.
Guardian Soldie: But, sir-
Crono: I...said....NOOOOO!
Zeal: Oh my, aren't we hotheaded.
Well, I am done here now...
I wonder...what is poor little Schala doing right now.
She must be so sad...alone, abandoned...
Her power seems to be overtaking her emotions.
hmm..Tah tah, boy...
[ Zeal Fades away... ]
/// Music: Sadness.mid
Crono: Come...back *whimper*
Come back...
please *whimper*
Lucca: Crono...
I, I'm sorry.
Let...Let me take her to the lab.
I will see what I can do with her.
In the mean time- you go rest, you've been through alot.
Crono: Please, Lucca-
I know I've asked alot in the past.
But..please, do me that favor.
And...take care of her
Lucca: I will...
Crono: Thank you...
Guardian Soldier: Yes, your Majesty?
Crono: Gather all the men.
We have much to be discussed......
It seems another war is about to begin.
and I would like to make sure everyone is safe...
Guardian Soldier: Yes, my lord.
[ Guardian soldier walks away...]
Crono: 3 years.....
[ Scene fades away ]