Well, you asked why I'm not an XBOX fan, which, while it is the Microsoft company's console weapon of choice, XBOX=/=Microsoft and so I glossed over the whole subject by just saying "I didn't say this, I said that" (or w/e)...
As for the Chrono Trigger in 2005 thing...Yes, I know that was what you were trying to say. I merely said that to point out that you should have just said, "I think that if CT had been released in the now, it would look like Blue Dragon"...But even then, I don't think we could say that...Firstly, CT was a momentous game. It could not come out the same way if it had come out now than it did in 95. I mean, hell, Square Co & Enix ARE together now...Would the Dream Team still be looked at the same? Probably not, but, then again, Square & Enix haven't really mixed house much, have they? I think it might look like Blue Dragon, but it'd probably look a lot more like either Dragon Quest VIII or w/e recent Final Fantasy game there is...
Alright, you still want me to truely answer that Microsoft thing, right? I'll answer it like this...I don't like Microsoft in the same way that I don't like Disney.
Also, just to point out, I'm not anti-XBOX. I think they had some great advancements over the other systems along w/a nice assortment of games. Most notably XBOX Live. I would play and own an XBOX...if I already had a PS2...I'm an RPG fan and XBOX is not an RPG system. They look like they're trying to turn that around now, but Sony still seems on top of the game in that genre...But my most recent system is a DC...although I emulate GBA.