Author Topic: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.  (Read 953 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Hi to all, I'm 19 and I've never played chrono trigger. I wanted to know which version I should play.

Which one is more faithful to the original game experience and better translated.

Should I go for an snes emulator or play the psx version? (I don't have a psx so I would have to play it on epsxe)

Thanks for any replies  :D

I'm really looking forward to finally dive on the chrono trigger universe, I just wanted to do it the best way.

Also, Which is the best ff6? FF6 Retranslation, or  FF6 advanced? I never played ff6 before too.


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Re: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 02:11:44 pm »
As far as Chrono Trigger goes I would have to say the SNES version would be the best bet.

As far as the script goes, I'm pretty sure both the PSX version and the SNES versions are the same.

The PSX version has animated cut scenes at certain parts of the game which is nice, but the load times for the PSX version are horrible. I'm not sure if the emulated version has the long load time, but I'd say to be safe just play the SNES one. You can watch the animated cut scenes on Youtube if you really want to, they are nice, but not crucial to the story by any means.

If you really want the best Chrono Trigger experience, play the Japanese version and learn Japanese  :lol:, but if that's too much(I know it is for me lol) we are working on a retranslation project currently. When I say we I mean people at the Compendium. I know they are almost done with that, but it might be a little while until they match a playable version of that script.

Well, I hope I didn't confuse you with this long post. To summarize, right now I'd go with the SNES version and watch the cut scenes on Youtube.

As far as FF6 goes, I'd say go with FF6 advanced. I hear it's more true to the original Japanese script, has 4 extra Espers, and I'm pretty sure it has a new dungeon.

Welcome to the Compendium, and I hope I helped ya out a bit. Heres to more interesting topics about the Chrono Trigger universe.


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Re: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 02:16:23 pm »

On an emulator, with buffed graphics.


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Re: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 06:43:18 pm »
Actually, there's a post on Gamefaqs that talks about emulating the PSX version to eliminate load times. Lemme find it for you, in case you want to play in game with those cutscenes...

Quote from: Gamefaqs
im playing the psx version on an emulator and i just take the fps limit off, the game runs at a normal speed until i open the menu or get into a battle, then it speeds up until the menu appears or the battle starts. useful eh?
The PSX version was actually the way I first played Chrono Trigger. Made emulating the SNES version feel odd at first. I still honestly don't remember the load times everyone keeps complaining about though.


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Re: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 12:27:30 am »
I still honestly don't remember the load times everyone keeps complaining about though.

Just play the SNES ROM, or original, then play the PSX version. You'll notice the load times.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: What Chrono Trigger version to play? I'm lost with so many versions.
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 07:53:14 am »
Thank you all for the nice replies  :D
When I ask what version of chrono trigger I was thinking wich one of the presented here:

I'll keep away from the psx version  :lol:

aBout my question about which ff6 I found this site:

Today I'm good at answering my own questions!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 07:57:52 am by altlop »