Even though it will be some time before we can get to this, we might as well have a list prepared of what needs to be done.
Here goes:
Graphics Hack:
Trees have animated leaves/animated shadow leaves (Layer3)
Grasses are animated and layered over the PCs when walking through it
Water has splashes when walking thru
Import grass and animated flowers from Seiken Densetsu 3 (use for many areas)
Replace Death Peak snow effect with animated snow (from SM2: Yoshi's Island...way better effect)
These are useless, but enhance the feel of areas:
Import butterflies from BOF2 (use for random environments such as Guardia Forest)
Add flying birds (so we can have random birds flying around in areas -- birds will also have bird shadow sprites for ones very high up)
Enhance squirrel sprite (so we can have random squirrels running around in forest)
Guardia Prison -- Mountain with animated clouds (night)
Denadoro -- Mounains with animated clouds (day)
Zenan Bridge -- scrolling clouds with animated sunrays
Dactyl Nest -- scrolling clouds with animated sunrays
North Cape -- scrolling clouds with animated sunrays
Tyrano Lair -- Prehistoric Canyon with scrolling clouds
Zeal (overworld)-- Blizzard sky
Death Peak -- Animated Eclipse scene; Mounains with animated clouds (blizzard)
Black Omen -- Animated space with meteors and moon, earth (The Moon will ACTUALLY move it's position while the earth is scrolling -- I am going to vastly enhance this background.)
Lava dungeons -- import tileset with animated lava and fire
Cleft of Dimensions "Endless area" -- use Galaxy background from Flea battle, combine with canyon graphics, add random crystals instead of rocks, add dark palette.
Rainbow - use Mother Brain animating effect for Blade and attack trails
Ragnarok - flaming sword, fiery trails
Eternity - "Dancing sword" - enough said.
Orion - has a trail of "leaves" behind the arrow
Anubis - shoots one of those Souls that come out of the ground for one of Magus's attacks (when you fight him)
Artemis - shoots a "cresent moon" (barely first quarter if you want to know)
Zonker38 - nothing real special here
Particle - shoots a beam of energy at the enemy
PrismBeam - shoots a beam (Mother Brain animating effect)
Masamune2 - will have mini animated beams of light radiating from the sword.
Harvester - will have an eeire mist around the blade
Reaper - when it "Soul-steals" an opponent (must be charged), Magus will swing, then jump back to where he was, then a Macabre will appear(transparent) and carry the monsters soul away. If it's not charged, it will not steal the monsters soul, it will do damage instead. The monster must be able to be "Black Holed" for Soul Steal to work, if it can't be then the Reaper will remain charged(if charged) and do damage either way.
Nova Armor - Sunstone animating effect for aura colors
Moon Armor - Sunstone animating effect for aura colors (except Blue instead of yellow)
AegisArmor - (not sure...something cool as it's going to be the best armor in the game)
PrismDress - For the PC's aura: Mother Brain animating effect
DiamndRobe - Sparkles around the PC's Aura
MirageRobe - A ghost image of Magus (think of the Crimson Wizard's cape effect if you've played Seiken Densetsu 3)
Magus will actually pull out a scythe (only right before physically attacking)
NPCS-- (to be updated)
Daedalus (and Cleft of Dimension's version)
Fish, for fishing of course!
ENEMIES-- (to be updated)
Pteradons - same as Dactlys (NPCS) but have battle anims
Great Djinn - like a grey version of Masamune
Trihorns - like Nizbel only lighter green
Brachosaur - (I have no idea, probably an entire tileset, like the Tyranos) (Will probably have Raptors instead)
Dullahan - Looks like Cyrus's ghost
Calamity - Suped-up Guardian
Quezacoatl - like a giant Dactly only VERY MEAN looking
OMEGA - Looks like Giga Gaia (but dark grey/black with red eyes)
Spekkio (level **, Black Cat) Pink Nu is now 80-98