Author Topic: TF Exports Techniques  (Read 3926 times)


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TF Exports Techniques
« on: March 17, 2007, 09:38:45 am »
by Zakyrus

Skill Level: Novice -- or any ;p
Time: negligible -- a few moments to set up, a few seconds to use, and a lifetime to cherish  :D

+ a backup of a CT ROM and Temporal Flux editor

In this tutorial, I will explain the benefits and some techniques with the Temporal Flux exports files. First off, if you frequently backup your ROMS and you find corruption in it, the whole ROM is f.u.b.a.r. However, If you constantly make backups in the form of exports as you work, you have low risk of ruining anything. Plus you can STILL backup your ROMS!

TF Exports are the only way to go! Export 'em! Trade 'em with a friend! Import 'em into a ROM or swap 'em with a different one!  Get ORGANIZED and make a TF EXPORT FOLDER TODAY!
(end of commercial)

In case you don't know how to use the export system. Here is a link to the TF Manual.

Here is the screen shot of my folder system: (pretty simple)

When exporting, add the location name hex numbers for the begging of the filename. For example, Zeal Palace would be named 191 Zeal Palace.flux (the .flux file extension is added automatically and the "191 Zeal Palace" name would be used regardless if the export is an event file, map file or whatever of that particular location for quick saving -- Just beware that you change folders when exporting different types so you don't replace anything! ) By using this method, anytime you want to quickly load/save updated exports you just type the first three digits and the file comes up immediately.

Here's an example below where I have 238 export files in one folder. As you can see, I typed in the first three digits & the file name came up instantly this is much easier and organized than searching for the file. ....and it's not like you don't know the three digits because it's in the location name which is shown in the workspace tabs near the top of the screen. :)    --(In desperation I ask could we get *batch import* for TF soon please!?)

That's all there is too it! Every time I do massive work on a map or event files(after a half hour to an hour), I simply export the file to my exports folder and then I can copy my exports folder to backup my entire ROM hacking progress. It only takes a few seconds to export a file, so it's worth it!

Stay tuned for tutorials coming soon:
"Blackjack & Slots" -- in depth of the mini-games
"Scattering gems across the World" (and the randomization is done on new game, not when you enter a location! HA! HA! HA! HA! Oh yeah, also how I did the Gem buyer"
"How to use 1 map for 'multiple locations in one location', adding random battles that have multiple random item drops afterwards" (multiple tuts in one)

( I am going to start leaking a few CT+ secrets in the form of tutorials so others can learn how I did certain things)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 10:13:05 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: TF Exports Techniques
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 12:45:15 am »
Questions? Comments?  :lol: