Under 'Overwhelming Force' in the Fall of Guardia page, it says at the end that Magus would have no motivation to be involved with the Fall of Guardia. I haven't played Chrono Cross recently, though I plan to, but I think that statement is at least partially false, and here is why.. keep in mind I haven't played CC for a long time but I've been reading the pages about the plot so if I'm missing something let me know.
Why would Magus want to participate in the fall of Guardia?
-Well, assuming that there was help from outside the flow of time, why could it not have been Magus? If it was part of Belthasar's ultimate plan to separate Schala from the Time Devourer, I think Magus could and would help participate in the destruction of Guardia, he's already started an entire war with the kingdom just to get revenge against Lavos(Chrono Trigger). He certainly wouldn't have any qualms about killing Crono and Marle if it meant getting his sister back, in my opinion. So let's assume Belthasar recruited Magus to help with the destruction of Guardia.. that combined with an overwhelming force would explain how it fell and would help explain how the Porre army could contend with Crono and Marle's might, from a gameplay standpoint. The real question would then be if he did help with the fall of Guardia, where is he now? But that's obviously unanswerable and away from the point of this post.
Thoughts, comments...?