PNG when screenshoting images without large blocks of the same pixels results in large image files because it will encode info for each pixel e.g 1r 1b 1g etc instead of say 3r 4g 5b with large blocks.
since the above PNG is from a already lossy image saving as PNG results in a picture of guess what lossy quality.
the difference?, if you had saved as JPEG it would be just as lossy with a smaller file size.
thus for things like screen shots/caps or other images which are just for show and not to be edited in anyway (stuff to be shopped or hi-res) you use .jpg because its a smaller file most of the time. the exceptions being pics with transparent space or large blocks of pixels with the same value.
while this doesn't necessarily effect me badly because i have a fast internet, many people here are on slower connections, dial-up or possibly capped and you will notice how long it takes to load.
shortened version learn when PNG is more valuable then JPEG and use common courtesy for people with slow,capped,etc internet speeds.
Ah. I see now. You're right,'s been a couple years since I've had to put up with dial-up internet so I actually forgot about all of that.
Well, thank you for answering the question in a civil way. I was worried I might have accidentely phrased the question in a way that might piss you off, since it seemed as if you were bothered by PNG because you hated the format for some irrational reason. (It's happened to me a lot...)