Sorry about not getting any work in on this...lots of things came up Friday and Saturday keeping me from working.
But now I can again. I'm still doing Guardia Throneroom(Middle Ages)
EDIT: And I just realized that all of the work I'd done before on it was unsaved!
So, Guardia Queen's Chamber(Middle Ages) is finished. (See post before this for the files for the Throneroom and King's chamber.) Next up is the kitchen, in the Middle Ages, of course.
Guardia Kitchen is done. Now for the Barracks.
It's done. We now switch castles to Castle Magus, Doppelganger Hallway.
Now that that's done...and I mispelled the title of the file...we skip over a whole bunch of stuff to go to...Sunken Desert Devourer.
And I realized that Zeality already did all that. Whoops. Going ahead again, we arrive at...Geno Dome Labs!
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