Character Design - One of my favorites, I think. Cool white suit, mad scientist monicole (I've tried several ways of spelling that and I still don't know what's right...), weird hair thingy...People are stupid if they say she looks like Lucca.
Combat Usefulness - Another blade/card thrower...Her Techs are all kinda sciencey, I guess...But mostly lame. Why would I want to inflict status ailments when other characters Techs will just kill?
Tilt Factor - Lutianna>Luccia...I'll have to change Magness to reflect that...I don't care if it was like a subtle (or not-so-subtle) tilt to Lucca, it made for a bunch of crappy rumors that Luccia is actually Lucca...All because of a name change, really. They didn't even study the same branch of science, people! She has a minor backstory & character development, but any of that is negated by having one of those stupid accents...Anyways, I'll give her a small bump for being a part of Magness (though in my own, tilted way)...she kills a bunch of people and tries to poison Magus/Gil! Although parts of that are in the "lost" Chapter, I've talked about Magness almost as much as Luccia in this post...HOORAY!
Final Grade - C