Character Design: Pip is an experiment by Luccia...essentially a creature that can "evolve" to be better. This, of course, is yet another stupid misconception of evolution as somehow being a guided process/a process intended to make superior lifeforms (when in fact it's just a process of adaptation to current environmental conditions and has nothing to do with becoming "superior" especially given the varying definition of one instance superiority could mean extreme strength, in another the ability to process oxygen from water as well as air, ect ect.) Pip looks quite neat though.
Combat Usefulness: I have never used Pip, so I cannot rate Pip on this scale. However, Pip is allegedly one of the best characters combat wise. Pip also constantly changes Element depending on what form Pip "evolves" into.
Tilt: Frankly, I don't like Pip at all. The idea of Pip is, as I have already said, ludicrous, especially since Pip was created by a scientist in 1020 A.D., a much less advanced society than, say, 2300 A.D., yet we had never heard of a creature like this being created. It's even more ludicrous when you take into account the fact that she was also responsible for Grobyc's creation, and Grobyc is a cyborg!
And unlike the other inconsistencies technologically speaking that are explainable, such as Grobyc, Pip makes no sense whatsoever. The idea of the character was flawed, stupid, and mind-boggingly inconsistent from the beginning and should never have existed.
Final Grade: D.