Yes, the Compendium has been aware of your work and one of our ultimate goals was to replicate your success with model ripping, so your appearance is a major boon to the Chrono Community.
So far we've only had luck with textures, and that was accomplished through the heavy-handed means of ripping straight from the CD image. I was hoping programs like 3D Ripper DX would capture the projected polygons, but alas, we have had no such luck. At best, the programs we've tried out just give us 2D data from VRAM as far as I know.
So really, we are still in the very beginning stages of the model capturing process, and you're unquestionably lightyears ahead of us in this area.
Now some questions for you, if you don't mind:
1.) Is the dumping code (fprint(...)) written in C/C++? Could it be inserted into any emulator, you think, or is there something about AdriPSX that makes such hacking easier? I assume we'd need the emulator source code, then we'd have to compile the code after making the necessary additions? I'm totally clueless when it comes to coding, but many members of the Community would be able to work with any documentation on the process you could provide.
2.) How much knowledge have you acquired regarding the native model formats stored on the Chrono Cross CDs? We have some file dumps from the game iso that we suspect contain models, but we're not sure yet. At least I'm not. I could provide samples if you're interested in taking a look at them.
Any knowledge or utilities you can share with us would be ABSOLUTELY appreciated, yartrebo.
EDIT: For everyone interested, I'm linking to the most complete list of PSX emulators I've found to date. PCSX has open source code available as Luminaire and jono have pointed out already I think, and AdriPSX source should be available elsewhere.