im not sure if its the patch or the rom it self but ive run into a snag while playing the re-translation
i guess there might have been warning signs. like in guardia forest (and other places im to lazy to remember) the sprites would stick in the same frame for a few secconds but still move on the map. but i always chalked that up to the fact that it was a hacked rom. i also never got the second naming screen with ayla, though wile a little disapointing didnt strike me as too strange. (though in retrospect i guess it should have). the las thing, and the reason for this post, is after gathering all my equipment on the blackbird and i go to climb the ladder to get to the wing and i get a blak screen with the sound of the wind howeling.
any help would be appreciated.
and anyhelp that wont require me to re-start my game would be GREATLY appreciated.