"Dear Santa - "Papá Noel (col)"
I do not believe in you by two reasons, my culture, and my decline towards any religious thought. Anyway, if you exist, and you would like to break the physics laws to amaze us with gifts, I would humbly request:
- Knowledge to understand all the theories that would change the state of truth by which i live right now, including those of my comrades here at the compendium.
- Moral knowledge to avoid causing moral problems to the people i live with or surround me.
- A bit of will to be less lazy and to start making something productive other than going to classes.
- More sources of mental disorder and craziness, or at least, a little bit more of imagination.
- A fine Chrono game.
- The destruction of the world by nonhuman means, or at least the disappearance of the human race, to achieve a natural order.
Well Santa, i think i ask too much to you, and to everyone that gives the opportunity, after all, i do not believe in you, so feel free to curse me all you want.
The drunken Black caped imp.
Note or postdata (i dunno): You are not getting any cookies from me, i have beans and carrots, so you are warned"
Edit: "Oh yes, i would love some new Chrono Trigger Unglued chapters too!"