I beat Kingdom Hearts for the first time, and I must say I was pretty impressed. I only beat it on Normal, so if I get really bored, I probably won't, I'll try it on expert, but I see no real point in doing that. Would I even gain anything?
After beating the game almost perfectly, I missed a blue trinity somewhere lol, I must say that I am ready for Kingdom Hearts II. But something keeps telling me that that game will be twice as long as this one, and I don't know if I have that kind of time this semester lol.
I'm not saying I won't buy KHII, because I will, hell it's only 20 bucks, but was curious as to people's overall enjoyment of the game. I've only heard good things so I'm expecting those kind or reactions.
And I know now why people are upset we never get any of the Final Mix versions over here in the states. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix just looks so much more polished. I really wish I could play it, and by that I mean not buy a modded PS2 and learn Japanese lol.
Well I just wanted to write this thread to talk to people who have played the game, and maybe want to discuss some aspects of the story, because I'm lost a little bit. I didn't see a topic like this one when I searched around so I figured I'd make it.
So let's hear your thoughts on Kingdom Hearts!
We can talk about KHII, but keep the spoilers to a minimum since I haven't started to play it yet.