Author Topic: Where's the latest ROM?  (Read 9146 times)

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2008, 01:28:25 am »
Chapter 14 Added:

After the Frog Catching and visiting Ayla Schala says to go help belthasar she'll take care of ayla.  Belthasar is in the basement talking to the scientist cause the crazy plan he's got.  The Central Regime is going nuts looking for chronopolis and he thinks it's cause of the vanguard roots (at this point Glenn is conveniently still forced to be in your party so we can have him have a line here).  Anyways he thinks that if you get the Masamune and put it in the past history will shift and the vanguard won't be as big of an influence.  The party agrees and they go back to 600:

Lots of place holder text around the houses in 600, you take the tunnels to get to Medina but you can talk to a guy to get "escoted" straight to the end.  Go through the mystic den where there's some fighting going on.  Flea and Slash kick some ass and ozzie attacks one of Kasmir's illusions.  He then agrees to join up with you and you can go to Kasmir's fortress (it's the castle thing to the east).  Go through kasmir's fortress as you did before (guillotine game/Fireball Game/Slash Fights).  Teleport appears in the middle of the castle and you go up and confront Kasmir, kasmire releases his trap and a bunch of Mysitcs and porre die, crono runs to check it out and zeal appears and yells at kasmir Ozzie and company get teleported out and Crono and gang wonders what the hell is going on in 1002 AD.

PHEW.  I also added the Coliseum to the 1999 OW map, and the Auction/Casino to the Present OW map in choras.  I also opened up the ferry to Choras do we have any idea why it was closed in the first place?

Alrighty were at the first chapter that I couldn't do w/o having the main ROM.  It's Chapter 15: And the darkness of noon

I think this is one of the best chapters so I'm pretty excited.  After that is Porre Lab which we got.  Then once more unto the break, I'll skip the flame dungeons and then I think we got the rest of the game.


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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2008, 02:44:57 am »
I also opened up the ferry to Choras do we have any idea why it was closed in the first place?
Well, the dialog says they're in an isolating phase because of the war.
I'm not sure if Lucca and Robo really need to be retrieved.
Lucca and Robo conveniently appear in Chronopolis directly from Prehistory
(Reptile future was moved to 2302 A.D.)

Location {0B5}'s events are missing.

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2008, 03:11:25 am »
Hm {0B5}'s events aren't blanked out for me?  I put everything important inside conditionals for Kasmir's fortress so nothing gets activated until Ozzie and the gang are helping you out.  Is it blanked out in TF or is it just giving you a black screen of death?

I was asking the choras thing cause I know that it used to be reachable for the museum side quest so I thought maybe there was some sort of plot hole with choras.

I'm not sure why you mentioned Lucca and Robo? 



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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2008, 03:21:49 am »
It's blanked out in TF for me.
I mentioned Lucca and Robo because it's one of several things in Chronopolis that I think might conflict with the plot. (The other things being dialog; they shouldn't know about what the Regime was like before the Masamune was stolen, for example.)

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2008, 03:35:24 am »
Ohhh  I see I have Belthasar look for Lucca and Robo when they actually just show up.  Yea I would just put (placeholder) everywhere but it makes it pretty boring (and confusing) haha.  We'll definately have to have someone go through and fix everything up.

I guess for now you don't have to point out any Plot discrepencies until someone more knowledgeable goes through and fixes up the dialogue.  For now focus on  mainly events and I guess a little bit of mapping though I really would want every map to get repolished. 

My specialty would be missing exploremode's, more sound affects in a cutscene, sprite priority and stuff like that, if we could make a master list of those that'd be msot useful.
Not sure why that patch was bad, it was on my rom but when I made my own patch it was gone.  I made anew patch and confirmed that B5 exist on after patching this one.


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« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 03:38:24 am by jsondag2 »

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2008, 09:58:44 pm »
Beginning of Chapter 15:

THe party comes back to Chronopolis and things are going crazy.  Marle comes in pissed about guardia changing for the worst.  She joins the party and they rush to 1002..  he king mentions a meeting is about to start so they go to attend.

Porre and Medina are both there and they are angry.  The chancellor shrugs off their demands until porre shows off it's new weapons ...Elements....By using mystics the porre lab has constructed elements.  The kings lets the meeting take a break after this so you can go talk around.  Talk to the king to recommence the meeting but there's a sound upstairs.  The party rushes off to see what happens the king chases but a vanguard gets in the way.

That's all I got so far.


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Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #51 on: March 04, 2008, 04:33:01 pm »
Finished up 99% of chapter 15:

After the meeting Guardia Castle is in havoc.  In the barracks some of the soldiers have managed to make a refuge.  Monsters roam the throne room.  Marles teachers have barricaded themselves in marles room.  In the kings chamber Marle finds that some monsters have made a portal directly into the kings bedroom.  She kills them thus stopping the influx of monsters:

(scene shift)

In the Meeting tensions are running high.  Guardia screams at porre and pushes the guard out of the way running out into the throne room.

(scene shift)

In the treasury Zeal breaks open the door, two vanguard run at zeal he laughs and burns one of them.  The other runs away.

(scene shift)

Back in the kings chambers Marle and company run down to the throne room.  King guardia has been trapped in some sort of stasis.  Zeal appears on the kings throne and mocks the party.  He shows them the sunstone and teleports out of there.  Marle runs at her dad just as he dissapears. 

Later on Guardia is recovering.  But marle is on her way out the chancellor stops her but she puts him in charge temporarily and says she must go avenge her father.

One of the PC's mentions maybe going back to 602 AD to see if they can unkindle the recent Porre Medina alliance.


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Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2008, 11:13:55 pm »
K, Chapter 15 Finished:

The party returns to 602 AD and Ozzie and Flea have recovered from their kasmir incident.  They are resting in Mystic Den.  Crono and gang gets there and they have found the masamune.  Crono and company say to root out the Mystic Love for porre Ozzie initially refuses but a threat of fighting and he changes his mind.

Take the masamune back to belthasar and he says they have calculated that the best spot to put it is the beasts nest in 11,998.  I added a new room on the west side of the map that triggers a scene of leaving the masamune there.  If Frog is active his masamune reacts and there's a short scene of the two masas and  munes chatting (placeholders don't get too excited).

Chapter 16 (Stop the Porre Lab!) shouldn't take as long since Porre lab is already coded.


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« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 11:27:54 pm by jsondag2 »

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2008, 04:54:48 pm »
Chapter 16:  Stop the Porre Lab

With the masamune safely stored in the wild the party decides to take down the Porre lab which seems to be causing so much havoc (first with androids then elements and not androids again).  Asking around they figure out it's in Medina (Chancellor and Belthasar say this).  They get to medina and realize Toma is missing from the forest ruins.   Hutch says he wishes he was more like toma....(maybe this isn't a big enough hint that they need to get Toma from the past??).  However if they get the subtle hint and travel back to 602 AD They can retrieve past Toma.  Go to the Truce canyon portal and a Chronopolis agent is there to transport toma, the party takes the entity portal.  In Chronopolis Toma is wreaking havoc cause he's just plain curious (hang out in melchiors room for awhile). If the party goes to 1002 AD though toma jumps in the dispatch with them.  In 1002 AD Toma hangs out at the bar for awhile but he comes to the forest ruins when it's important.  While there he solves the mystery and makes a door appear to Porre Lab.

Porre Lab:

This is mainly the same but I changed the puzzle since people were having problems with it.  Now you can control the Nu by pressing "L" after pressing L R changes which way it faces and A makes it step forward one square.  Get him by the piano and then press the lowing blue dot.

Go through Porre Lab as normal, escape before it explodes and you see

A) Luccia and her brother go into hiding with William Ishito and His brother norris
B)  Toma goes to visit his museaum before leaving.

Chapter 17 involves more coding so it'll take longer, I'll skip 18.  19/20 are mostly done and already in flux files, 21 is a speech basically 22 is the sidequest chapter and 23 is the final dungeon which we have done.


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Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #54 on: March 15, 2008, 05:32:34 am »
Chapter 17 added:

The Dungeon isn't actually a dungeon we can add rooms later, right now it's 4 rooms with 3 fights haha.

They come back from destroying the Porre Lab and Belthasar says he hasn't found Zeal but thought up another genius plan.  They will attack the flame inside the mammon machine after lavos attack but before it turns to black omen (sorry right now it says before ocean palace i'll fix that later).  He tells them this will cause Guardia to dissapear, If marls is in your party she flips out.  But they agree to do it, Belthasar says it's not today but they can rest in the medic area until the.  You can do as you will before you sleep, once you sleep you get a cutscene with all the characters talking about it and they agree to not totally destroy the flame, just to lure them out.

Because it's "today" i force you to go to ocean palace after you sleep there's no changing your mind or trying to leave.  In ocean palace you can do a couple fights, i you kill the fights and certain characters aren't in your party they come out and talk to you.  (lucca first room, robo second Marle third). 

I left space to expand this dungeon but right now it's linear.

In the last room walk up to the mammon machine and you throw up the masamune and things go nuts. Screen turns red, zeal appears, Flame throws the machine in the DBT, schala appears and gets sucked in, Zeal gets sad, Glenn attacks and Zeal drops his flame you go to it and screen turns white.

Chapter 18 skipped

Chapter 19 added:

You wake up after the flame dungesons in the medic area.  The nurse tells you that while you were flame dungeoning Zeal went nuts and attacked Chronopolis taking Belth and Melch.  A couple characters are gone.  You can now take the dispatch to the EOT.  Speekio wants to fight Chrono so put him in the lead of the party and attack.  He opens portal to the Dreamtime.  Go save Gaspar and Chrono falls in some "Entity Emanations, cue the we don't have Chrono chatper of CE.

Gaspar says that 11,998 BC is probalby where Zeal is.

I opened up the Epoch area I think it's time we give it to the player, plus we need a way to get to a new are of 11,998 BC. 


We got some epoch issues, (cue JLukas).

I know i've asked this a million times but i need to ask again.....what is everything that needs to be set for the epoch:

7E0290:  Epoch X
7E0292:  Epoch Y
7E029F:  Epoch Location?
7E0294:  Make it A0 to have wings

7E027E:  You had me set this before but I'm not sure you mentioned what it was?

a)  How can you make it so that you are "in the epoch" when you change location to an OW?
b)  This one is alot worse.... I'll make a new patch for this but and probably a new topic altogether but right now if you go to 65 MIL in the epoch and try to land the game freezes....any ideas why?


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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2008, 02:24:41 pm »
We got some epoch issues, (cue JLukas).

I know i've asked this a million times but i need to ask again.....what is everything that needs to be set for the epoch:

7E0290:  Epoch X
7E0292:  Epoch Y
7E029F:  Epoch Location?
7E0294:  Make it A0 to have wings

7E027E:  You had me set this before but I'm not sure you mentioned what it was?

a)  How can you make it so that you are "in the epoch" when you change location to an OW?
b)  This one is alot worse.... I'll make a new patch for this but and probably a new topic altogether but right now if you go to 65 MIL in the epoch and try to land the game freezes....any ideas why?


Here's your post on Epoch settings:,2060.msg38583.html#msg38583

and the post on the 7E027E (and 7E027F) byte:,1990.msg50334.html#msg50334

In summary for 7E0294:

Bits 01 and 02 = PCs have boarded Epoch (set to 03 for all 3 PCs)
Bit 20 set = Upgraded Epoch
Bit 40 set = Epoch is currently flying
Bit 80 set = Epoch has been obtained

The best way to check how Epoch from Loc to Overworld works would be to examine the EoT or Keeper's Dome events.  You'll probably need to set both 7E027E and 7E027F to 02 (or maybe it's 03, I forget) and the 7E0294 bits (final result C3 or E3 for upgraded?)

I haven't looked at it yet, I'm not sure on the 65m BC problem.


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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2008, 02:26:52 pm »

Agent 12

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Re: Where's the latest ROM?
« Reply #57 on: March 15, 2008, 02:33:12 pm »
Awesome! It worked!  ( I remember doing this now)
