Hay thar...
Some things I learned doing this.
You can modify the tmspec.xml file in Tile Molester to recognize the out format, and have it load the settings it needs up until you need to load the out file's own pallet.
You need to include the little nob of data at the end of the files or else the UVs won't line up.
I like TGA better than png, just because it seemed to work with blender better. in photoshop, I use selective color, choose black, and leave fuzziness at 0... Then I go to channels and press the "add mask" button to have it generate the alpha channel. then save the .tga file with alpha and 32bit. The resulting map should load right in.
And, in blender, if the "map to" panel has map to alpha selected...but for some reason this causes overdraw artifacts when you render... so to fix this, just click alpha again to turn it yellow, this button has three settings to allow for negative alpha channels, whatever the reason, just go into the texture dialog and select NegAlpha to to re-flip it to positive. doing this makes in not screw up.
I'll post my .xml file, and maybe someone who can code in the .jar file can add parameters to automate the out file process further. You just need to tell it how to load it's own color table for each file, should be easy right?
Just put the xml file in the tile molester folder and overwrite the one [back it up man] in there already. You should be able to just see .out files and load them, and it will make them 2d, 8-bit liner, and 256 wide for you. There is space in the xml file to add custom indexed pallets like the one used here, but it must be fixed for all out files, and to my knowledge they are different for every file. so yea, look into that .jar file to make it load dynamically.
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