
How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?

Read about it in a gaming magazine
9 (17.6%)
Read about it on the internet
5 (9.8%)
Heard about it from a friend
16 (31.4%)
Saw it in a store
3 (5.9%)
14 (27.5%)
Don't remember
4 (7.8%)

Total Members Voted: 48

Voting closed: May 07, 2005, 07:47:23 pm

Author Topic: 5/14/05 - How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?  (Read 10481 times)


  • Porrean (+50)
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5/14/05 - How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2006, 11:47:23 am »
An old friend called me over to his place to take a look at it...  A Christmas later, I had my own copy, hee hee.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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5/14/05 - How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2006, 06:05:01 pm »
My sister gave it to me as a gift along with some other Snes titles.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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5/14/05 - How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2006, 12:44:48 am »
i picked it up on impulse at blockbuster cause i thought the box art was cool.
Funny how some games u pick up 4 one reason turnes out 2 be one of your fav games of all times.
A Friend of my traded me the SNES Cart cause he was tired of playing it that was around 1998. When The Psx Ver. came out i bought it as well.Same with Chrono Cross. i have been playing some of the fan made demos that u can find here.Trigger was the Game That got me into RPGs
and will always be 1 of my top games.


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5/14/05 - How did you first learn about Chrono Trigger?
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2006, 12:23:49 pm »
It was back in `96 or `97... Can`t remember exactly. I went to spend the weekend at the house of this cousin o` mine and she had just been presented with a copy of CT... At the time none of us knew english, nor had we ever played a RPG before so we got kinda busted and spent a lot of time to go really not much far, as her Super Nes had this little habit of erasing saved files and restart by itself from time to time (maybe because of our habit of smashing the thing in the floor while pushing the cable of controls when jumping, rolling, flying while playing fighting games, SF2... :~)... But still we played it a lot and I really enjoyed the game back then :D The last scene I can remember playing at the time is the race with Johnny... Later, she probably finished the game by herself... Can`t really remember o_O

A few years later I downloaded the rom and then I really really started to luv it, as I already knew english and could finally understand the story  :D

Around that time too, I acquired my copy of CC, and remember playing both at the same time later in my 2nd or 3rd playthrough... Lotsa fun  :D