Okay, I need some help or some info here people.
Perhaps you've realized, or have read one of my posts saying as much, that my computer has been...down for the past...oh, month and a half abouts? Well, if you don't know, the reason is because I was low on space...like REAL low...like hundreds of KB only...It's uber crap, yes?
Okay, the MAIN reason is because I was so low on space, I went on a retard deleting spree...and, yes, I ventured into the WINDOWS folder when I did this. Now, Windows doesn't start. Dos says I'm missing some random file...
Now, is there anyway I can save my memory from ultimate destruction? I'm generally concerned about my various writings (I had just finished and started the next chapter of my fanfic, Magness) and things. So, tell me, what do I do?