This here is mona pizza!
makers of the greatest pizza!
fresh cheese and sauce galore
delivered to your front door!
I think that's how it gos, I love that song. Wario0ware is awesome, though I prefer Ashley to Mona.
Oh I love That song, they have it on SSB Brawl! However in Brawl it goes
This here is Mona Pizza
Makers of the world's best eats-a
Fresh sauce and cheese gal-ore
Brought straight to your front do-or
(Go! Go! Go! Go!)
This here is Mona Pizza
Makers of all tasty treats-a
Our pies' crispy crunchy cru-sts
Leaves others in the d-ust
Grab a hot slice and take a big bite
It's so good that you'll start a fight for more (1, 2, 3, Go!)
Mona Pizza
Mona Pizza
Mona Pizza
Mona Pizza!
We represent Pizza Dinosaur
We got the most stores in the world
Our crust is tough and our sauce is thin
But we're everywhere, so you gotta give in
Mona Pizza's got nothing on us
'Cause we've got six thousand stores plus!
Pizza Dinosaur!
Pizza Dinosaur!
(They also have the Japanese Ver. but I can't understand Japanese hehehe)
Sorry couldn't help that, the song is somewhat catchy.
Welcome to the Compendium! Due to Overlord_Mikey, you don't get my traditional greeting!
I'm sorry, please forgive me. I was only kidding!