Author Topic: Isolation of Crono's animation bytes  (Read 6332 times)


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Isolation of Crono's animation bytes
« on: January 29, 2005, 01:40:49 am »
This is a list of all of Crono's animations.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Another thing. Zeality, you can strip it of its FAQ form if you wish. I did that just for kicks. =P

EDIT: AGH! It seems that there are also seperate animations for Static, and perhaps Loop. All of the below were under Normal. I don't think I'll be compiling the Static and Loop bytes any time soon. Sorry...

Here we go...

Version history

January 27, 2005 - .00 - Started on it!
January 28, 2005 - .01 - Got half of Crono's bytes done.
January 28, 2005 - .02 - Finished Crono's section

This document observes all written and implied copyrights that apply to this form of material. Violators will be prosecuted (prosecutors being violated is optional and not reccomended), and not even the Chewbacca defense will help you.

This may only appear on the following sites: (in posted form, not FAQ submission)

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This document may be modified permanently only by myself and Chrono Compendium members. It may be added onto in posted form, but the document can only be altered permanently by the above mentioned, given due credit to those who earned it.


Here's the meat:


This information is intended for use with Temporal Flux, a CT editor, using the Animation event. This guide assumes you are decently skilled with it, and will not teach you how to use Temporal Flux in this manner.

Quick note: X Glitches are a glitch that occurs when Crono's sprite turns into the form of an X. There are variations before them sometimes, but otherwise the X portions are the same.

Also, directions may be biased, because I didn't remove the Facing event in the scene I was using.

Crono Animations

00 - Nothing
01 - Walking
02 - Running (Mashing B)
03 - Draws Saber (Fighting Stance)
04 - "X Glitch"
05 - Struck by an attack
06 - Running (Continuous)
07 - Running (Mashing B rapidly)
08 - Dead
09 - Surprise
0A - Victory Animation (Sheathe Saber and pose)
0B - Pumping Fist
0C - Draws Saber (No fighting stance)
0D - "X Glitch"
0E - Crouch and jump with saber slightly extended
0F - "X Glitch"
10 - Arms extended and wind blowing (Standing Luminaire stance)
11 - Arms extended and no wind blowing (Other spell stance)
12 - Injured (crouching and breathing fast)
13 - Nothing
14 - Nothing
15 - Whacks knee
16 - Nodding
17 - Shaking head no
18 - "X Glitch"
19 - Decision pose (Hand to chin)
1A - Laughter
1B - Climbing
1C - "X Glitch"
1D - Injured (crouching and not breathing)
1E - Raises right hand (in relation to facing downward)
1F - Raises left hand (in relation to facing downward)
20 - Raises both hands (non-battle pose)
21 - Blinks continously
22 - Arms extended and wind blowing (Floating Luminaire stance)
23 - Sword Drawn in front of face
24 - Spins clockwise
25 - "X Glitch"
26 - "Surfing" pose
27 - Nothing
28 - Inn Sleeping animation(bottom half is missing on purpose, not a glitch)
29 - Sad/downcast pose
2A - Eyes closed
2B - Single frame of walking upward?
2C - "X Glitch"
2D - "X Glitch"
2E - "X Glitch"
2F - "X Glitch"
30 - "X Glitch"
31 - Swings sword downward continously
32 - Swings sword back continuously(critical hit)
33 - Spins around with sword (Cyclone)
34 - "X Glitch"
35 - Swings sword upwards (Slash?)
36 - "X Glitch"
37 - Overhead slash (Spincut)
38 - Stabs sword under him (Dragon Tank...)
39 - Single frame of diving downwards?
3A - Sitting down with tiny eyes (Soup drinking)
3B - Drinking soup (Heh, with no soup bowl, perhaps he's praying)
3C - Chugging sode
3D - Spinning with sword out (Max Cyclone version)
3E - "X Glitch"
3F - Attacking with sword wildly facing downward (Confuse?)
40 - Attacking overhead with sword wildly facing downward (?)
41 - Holding sword downward, wind blowing hair
42 - Execution pose
43 - Walking with hands bound
44 - Winking (WTF?)
45 - Sitting down (Death Peak scene)
46 - Lifting head while sitting (or perhaps nodding?)
47 - Turns into ash
48 - Flicker of remaining ash
49 - Sitting down sleeping (complete with snot bubble)
4A - Faces right
4B - Walks right
4C - Runs right (mashing B again...)
4D - Draws sword facing right
4E - "X Glitch"
4F - Struck from right side
50 - Running right
51 - Running right (Rapidly mashing B)
52 - Dead
53 - Surprise (facing right)
54 - Sheathes sword facing right, pumps fist (Victory pose)
55 - Smacks knee weirdly
56 - Draws sword from right
57 - "X Glitch"
58 - Leaps backwards with sword drawn
59 - "X Glitch"
5A - Arms extended with wind blowing facing right (Spell casting)
5B - Arms extended, no wind blowing, facing right
5C - Crouching down, breathing fast, facing right
5D - Nothing
5E - Nothing
5F - Smacks knee
60 - Nodding, facing right
61 - Shaking head, facing right
62 - "X Glitch"
63 - Decision pose, facing right
64 - Laughing, facing right
65 - Climbing
66 - "X Glitch"
67 - Crouched, facing right, not breathing
68 - Raises left hand (facing down)
69 - Raises right hand (facing down)
6A - Raises both hands
6B - Rapidly blinking, facing right
6C - Arms extended, wind blowing, floating, facing right (Luminaire)
6D - Holds sword at weird angle (parry?)
6E - Spins clockwise
6F - "X  Glitch"
70 - Kick? Backwards jump? Facing right
71 - Nothing
72 - Inn sleeping pose
73 - Looks downcast, eyes open, facing right
74 - Looks downcast, eyes closed, facing right
75 - Single walking frame
76 - "X Glitch"
77 - "X Glitch"
78 - "X Glitch"
79 - "X Glitch"
7A - "X Glitch"
7B - Slashing to the right repeatedly
7C - Slashing back repeatedly (Facing right)
7D - Spinning with sword out slowly (Rocket Roll version)
7E - "X Glitch"
7F - Attacking to the right wildly
80 - "X Glitch"
81 - Frozen in place, sword raised overhead, facing right
82 - Sword in stabbing position (raised overhead) facing right
83 - Frozen in Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit position, facing right
84 - Sitting, getting ready to eat soup
85 - Drinking the soup
86 - Chugging soda
87 - Frozen Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit, facing left
88 - "X Glitch"
89 - Attacks wildly to left
8A - Attacks wildly overhead to left
8B - Facing left with sword drawn, wind blowing
8C - Execution pose
8D - Frozen frame of Crono walking with hands bound (or standing with hands bound?)
8E - Winking (and another WTF)
8F - Sitting down (Death Peak)
90 - Sitting down (Death Peak)
91 - Beginning to turn into ash (not animated)
92 - Flickering of ash
93 - Sleeping with fast snot bubble
94 - Faces right
95 - Still frame of walking right
96 - Walking right weirdly (Two frames)
97 - Still frame of sword drawn, facing right
98 - "X Glitch"
99 - Struck from right side
9A - Two frames of running right
9B - Two frames of running right
9C - Dead
9D - Surprise (Facing right)
9E - Switches between sword drawn and parry? stance (looks weird)
9F - Pumping fist
A0 - Grasping sheath, facing right
A1 - Steak sauce. Just kidding, another "X Glitch"
A2 - Leaping backwards with sword drawn and landing
A3 - "X Glitch"
A4 - Still frame of arms extended, facing right
A5 - Still frame of arms extended, facing right
A6 - Crouching, facing right, sword extended
A7 - Nothing
A8 - Nothing
A9 - Nothing
AA - Nodding, facing right
AB - Facing right
AC - "X Glitch"
AD - Decision stance
AE - Looks really downcast, facing right
AF - Still frame of climbing
B0 - "X Glitch"
B1 - Crouched, facing right, no sword drawn
B2 - Right hand raised
B3 - Left hand raised
B4 - Both hands raised
B5 - Facing right
B6 - Still frame of Luminaire pose
B7 - Parry? stance
B8 - Facing left
B9 - "X Glitch"
BA - Kick/Backwards leap
BB - Nothing
BC - Inn sleeping pose
BD - Downcast look, facing right
BE - Eyes closed, facing right
BF - Still walking frame, facing left
CT - Greatest game of all time
C0 - "X Glitch"
C1 - "X Glitch"
C2 - "X Glitch"
C3 - "X Glitch"
C4 - "X Glitch"
C5 - Attacking overhead to the right
C6 - Swinging sword back, facing right
C7 - Spinning with sword drawn (Rocket Roll)
C8 - "X Glitch"
C9 - Still frame of impending sword uppercut
CA - "X Glitch"
CB - Overhead and under attacking to the right
CC - Overhead stabbing stance
CD - Max Cyclone/Falcon Hit frame, facing right
CE - Sitting down for soup
CF - Frozen frame of drinking soup, mouth closed
D0 - Chugging soda
D1 - Half a Max Cyclone, left and up
D2 - "X Glitch"
D3 - "X Glitch"
D4 - Still frame of overhead strike
D5 - Sword in slashing pose, wind blowing
D6 - Execution pose
D7 - Still frame of Crono with bound hands
D8 - Nothing
D9 - Sitting down (Death Peak)
DA - Nodding/lifting head while sitting
DB - Turns into ash
DC - Still frame of remaining ash
DD - Sleeping with fast snot bubble
DE - Nothing
DF - Still frame of walking downwards
E0 - Another still frame of walking downwards
E1 - Drinking soup
E2 - "X Glitch"
E3 - Still frame of climbing
E4 - Two frames of walking downwards
E5 - Hard to tell, but probably another couple walking frames
E6 - Injured, facing right, sword drawn, not breathing
E7 - OVerhead attack facing left
E8 - Sword drawn (facing downward)
E9 - Two frames of holding sword downwards (holding in back as if to uppercut, and holding it foward as if just attacked)
EA - Drawing sword, facing downwards
EB - "X Glitch"
EC - Surprise, facing left
ED - "X Glitch"
EE - Facing right, eyes closed
EF - Decision stance, facing downward
F0 - Strange... Switches betwen facing upwards with hands extended to Luminaire pose facing right
F1 - Spinning with sword extended (Cyclone)
F2 - Still frame of Cyclone with sword to left
F3 - Uh... Someone else describe this one
F4 - Nothing
F5 - Still frame of running downwards
F6 - "X Glitch"
F7 - Sword extended, facing upwards
F8 - Still frame of post sword-slash, facing upwards
F9 - Still frame of Slash, facing left
FA - "X Glitch"
FB - Injured/crouching, no sword, facing upward
FC - Still frame of laughter, facing downwards
FD - Facing left with tiny eyes
FE - Still frame of laughter (mouth open), facing downwards
FF - Nothing

Yay! Done with Crono's section! Gee, I don't wanna do that again... I guess I could leave it up to someone else for the rest of the PCs. >_> Evil of me, I know, but this is a good brunt of the work. Many of these animations will be the same for all the characters, and only the character-specific bytes need to be checked. X Glitches too, as they may contain animations for other characters.


Started by DivineDragoonKain

Last modified by DivineDragoonKain



EvilPeer for making Temporal Flux, the editor I used to discover this. An excellent editor no CT hacker should be without!

Zeality for helping me in times of need, and for telling me what some of these animations were. Thanks!

Chickenlump for ChronoTweaker, an editor that has nothing to do with this but is cool nonetheless.

Everyone else for various things.


Contact information (I'm using an anti-spam technique)

DivineDragoonKain: DivineDragoonKain at


That's it! Until next time! DDK