Author Topic: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly  (Read 5080 times)


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Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« on: July 20, 2007, 04:07:23 pm »
Is there anyway to figure out what animation frame is what in SA or is it just a guessing game going through all 255 of them?
- the NON hex version.  So far all i've actually figured out is that 0-5 or 6 is part of walking and #55 is the middle frame for Crono's battle stance.


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Re: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 04:52:00 pm »
243000   24A5FF   ANI   N   Character animation data   2003.07.07

Try using this.
E43000XX, where XX is the sprite assembly frame in hex you want. Make sure Crono is facing up.


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Re: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 06:25:19 pm »
Least that points out which stance he does.  Should have added up in the top was asking for the frame method.  Like "Animation Frame #: 55" is the middle part of the battle stance, aka when he first takes his sword out.  I was hoping by going through all the ones that have 40 41's in the first 2 rows would help point it out but it doesn't seem to help at all >_<

C8 = The frame for it and I checked in frame 55 in hex and the near bottom frame was C8, but that doesn't really help much as C9 is the next frame in animation and it's an arm ._.

Well, at least I know 0-54 is no other part of the stance.  Neither is 56-80
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 06:30:04 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2007, 03:33:50 pm »
If I remember correctly the frames in the Chrono Trigger Character library rom display in the same order as the sprite assembly.


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Re: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 04:42:53 pm »
Way way back, Chickenlump made a partial list of sprite assembly frames for Crono.
Quote from: Chickenlump, ACMLM's Board on 03-15-04
Here is a W.I.P. list of Crono's animation bytes (that I will finish up soon)

00 - facing down
01 - facing left
02 - facing right
03 - facing up
04 - walking down 1
05 - walking down 2
06 - walking down 3
07 - walking down 4
08 - walking down 5
09 - walking down 6
0A - walking left 1
0B - walking left 2
0C - walking left 3
0D - walking left 4
0E - walking left 5
0F - walking left 6
10 - walking right 1
11 - walking right 2
12 - walking right 3
13 - walking right 4
14 - walking right 5
15 - walking right 6
16 - walking up 1
17 - walking up 2
18 - walking up 3
19 - walking up 4
1A - walking up 5
1B - walking up 6
1C - running down 1
1D - running down 2
1E - running down 3
1F - running down 4
20 - running up 1
21 - running up 2
22 - running up 3
23 - running up 4
24 - running left 1
25 - running left 2
26 - running left 3
27 - running left 4
28 - running right 1
29 - running right 2
2A - running right 3
2B - running right 4
2C - pulling sword out of sheath facing down 1
2D - pulling sword out of sheath facing down 2
2E - pulling sword out of sheath facing down 3
2F - facing down sword drawn
30 - pulling sword out of sheath facing left 1
31 - pulling sword out of sheath facing left 2
32 - pulling sword out of sheath facing left 3
33 - facing left sword drawn
34 - pulling sword out of sheath facing right 1
35 - pulling sword out of sheath facing right 2
36 - pulling sword out of sheath facing right 3
37 - facing right sword drawn
38 - pulling sword out of sheath facing up 1
39 - pulling sword out of sheath facing up 2
3A - pulling sword out of sheath facing up 3
3B - facing up sword at the ready
3C - running left
3D - running right 1
3E - running right 2
3F - running down 1
40 - running down 2
41 - running up 1
42 - running up 2
43 - facing down with sword drawn
44 - facing down with sword drawn 2
45 - lying on the ground, with head pointing to the left of the screen
46 - lying on the ground, with head pointing to the right of the screen
47 - kneeling down facing up 1
48 - kneeling down facing up 2
49 - kneeling down facing down 1
4A - kneeling down facing down 2
4B - kneeling down facing left 1
4C - kneeling down facing left 2
4D - kneeling down facing right 1
4E - kneeling down facing right 2
4F - facing up with sword drawn
50 - facing up with sword lifted above head
51 - facing up , slightly bent over with sword down 1
52 - facing up , slightly bent over with sword down 2
53 - facing up, sword to the left
54 - facing up, sword to the right
55 - facing down, sword in the air
56 - facing down, sword down to the right 1
57 - facing down, sword down to the right 2
58 - facing down, sword down to the right 3
59 - facing down, sword to the left
5A - facing left, sword in air
5B - facing left, sword down to the left 1
5C - facing left, sword down to the left 2
5D - facing left, sword down to the right
5E - facing left, sword to his right
5F - facing right, sword in air
60 - facing right, sword down to the right 1
61 - facing right, sword down to the right 2
62 - facing right, sword down to the left
63 - facing right, sword to his left
64 - facing up, hurt
65 - facing left, hurt 1
66 - facing left, hurt 2
67 - facing right, hurt
68 - facing up, dance 1
69 - facing up, dance 2
6A - facing up, dance 3
6B - facing up, dance 4
6C - facing down, right hand in air, win pose
6D - facing down, right hand down, win pose
6E - facing down, surprise
6F - facing left, surprise
70 - facing right, surprise
71 - facing up, both hands in air
72 - facing up, both hands in air, wind affecting clothing
73 - facing down, both hands in air
74 - facing down, both hands in air, wind affecting clothing
75 - facing left, both hands in air
76 - facing left, both hands in air, wind affecting clothing
77 - facing right, both hands in air
78 - facing right, both hands in air, wind affecting clothing
79 - facing up, both hands in air
7A - facing down, both hands in air
7B - facing up, right hand in air
7C - facing up, left hand in air
7D - facing down, right hand in air
7E - facing down, left hand in air
7F - facing down, sword spin
80 - facing up, sword spin
81 - facing right, sword spin
82 - facing down, only a head, sleeping
83 - blank
84 - blank
85 - blank
86 - blank
87 - facing up with sword in front
88 - facing down with sword in front
89 - facing left with sword in front
8A - facing right with sword in front
8B - facing up, off the ground, sword in front
8C - facing up, off the ground a little less, sword in front
8D - facing down, off the ground, sword in front
8E - facing down, off the ground a little less, sword in front
8F - facing left, leaping back with sword
90 - facing left, leaping back a little less, with sword
91 - facing right, leaping back with sword
92 - facing right, leaping back a little less, with sword
93 - facing up, head down
94 - facing down, head down
95 - facing left, head down
96 - facing right, head down
97 - facing up, head shake 1
98 - facing up, head shake 2
99 - facing down, head shake 1
9A - facing down, head shake 2
9B - facing left, head shake 1
9C - facing left, head shake 2
9D - facing right, head shake 1
9E - facing right, head shake 2
9F - facing down, eyes half closed
A0 - facing down, eyes closed
A1 - facing left, eyes half closed
A2 - facing left, eyes closed
A3 - facing right, eyes half closed
A4 - facing right, eyes closed
A5 - facing up, arms crossed
A6 - facing down, head down, arms crossed
A7 - facing left, looking thoughtfull
A8 - facing right, looking thoughtfull
A9 - facing down, kneeling on one knee
AA - facing left, kneeling on one knee
AB - facing right, kneeling on one knee
AC - facing up, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 1
AD - facing up, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 2
AE - facing down, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 1
AF - facing down, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 2
B0 - facing left, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 1
B1 - facing left, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 2
B2 - facing right, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 1
B3 - facing right, feet lifting off ground, both arms in air 2
B4 - facing up, sword to the left
B5 - facing right, sword to the right
B6 - facing up, looking left, and getting ready to leap
B7 - facing up, looking right, and getting ready to leap
B8 - facing up, leaping forward, with sword over head
B9 - facing up, stabbing down with sword
BA - facing down, leaping forward with sword over head
BB - facing down, stabbing down with sword
BC - facing left, leaping forward with sword over head
BD - facing left, stabbing down with sword
BE - facing right, leaping forward with sword over head
BF - facing right, stabbing down with sword


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Re: Just 1 minor question on Sprite Assembly
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2007, 05:35:22 pm »
Thank you!  And thank god for the Character Library!  That thing just saved me a crapload of time DX
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 07:45:30 pm by justin3009 »