Battle Item Menu Editing
010960 - Start of the Item Name Routine?
010A12 - X Coordinate of :
010A5F to 10A86 - Routine of the text "Item"
010A62/010A67 - X Coordinate of "I"
010A6C/010A71 - X Coordinate of "T"
010A76/010A7B - X Coordinate of "E"
010A80/010A85 - X Coordinate of "M"
Edit 2: OH! I understand how the items in battle work for extending. The :XX Item cover up the last spaces for the item name. So we have to nudge all of that over and it'll show the entire item name I believe. - FailEdit 3:
010A4D/52 - X Coordinate of first item # (Bump the values up 2, so going from E0 E1 go to E3 E4)
010A58/5D - X Coordinate of second item # (Bump the values up 2, so going from E0 E1 go to E3 E4)