Author Topic: Overworld Sprites? - Questions  (Read 3430 times)


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Overworld Sprites? - Questions
« on: December 06, 2008, 10:16:22 pm »
I'm wanting to add more things to the overworld to make it more dynamic and as I was going through, I noticed this.

"05D80B   05DA87   GFX   Y   "Overworld sprites: Placeholder graphics, ""?""" (Unused)   2006.12.20" - The only present graphic in there is the ? time box but that's in "05DA88   05E0F6   GFX   Y   "Overworld sprites: Bird, years, Epoch, and misc"   2004.04.28" as well and when it loads up, it's used by 05DA88.

I was wondering what in the world tells what to load what sprite up.  I noticed that some overworlds have like

(4) -
(5) -
6 - Every overworld has this for years
7 - Every overworld has this for PC's?

That's 1000 AD, but then others like 2300 AD, 65,000,000 BC, and 1999 AD do 80 instead of whatever # is second.

1) I was wondering, is there like...a way to define what sprites are what?  It's really strange as well when you try to change the time box as well.  It completely jumps over the entire empty slot and goes to the Epoch/Ferry graphics.

2) Is there a way to define how many frames per graphic are used as well?  The seagull has 3 frames if I'm correct, while the Vortex PT graphic has like 3-6 or something.  I'm completely lost as where this stuff is loaded at >_<