Would you recommend limiting viewership to a specific project group then, just like the other fan projects? Maybe three project groups' worth is too many.
So far it will be the admins, justin3009 and BROJ since he specifically stated his intention to follow the project. It's true that justin could randomly ask for any needed help in Kajar Labs just as he's been doing.
If I move the thread justin already started in Kajar Labs into this forum, regular users who posted in that thread can't access this hidden forum through some kind of loophole or anything, can they?
Okay, this should be shut pretty tightly -- only ZeaLitY, Ramsus, Radical_Dreamer, and myself, plus BROJ and justin3009 should be able to see it. Sorry justin, but the fact that some jerkoff was waiting in the wings to take a screencap of WRONG.PNG's birdie last week really gives me the creeps. We'll have to ask for help innocently in Kajar Labs if we need it. Per jsondag's and ZeaLitY's observations, this could get the Compendium in hot water if a screencap of the proceedings are leaked or something.
I've locked the topic justin created in Kajar Labs and basically trashed it.