Author Topic: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!  (Read 1473 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« on: December 31, 2008, 07:29:07 pm »
Alright, I know I'm not the only one who's tired of sitting around waiting on a sequel to be made. I'll say up front that I've no plan of having Squenix look at this project to get ideas, this is purely for fun and to expand my RPG Maker prowess.

Myself and two friends (thus far) plan on making a sequel to Chrono Cross, obviously running off story information from Trigger as well as Cross. I plan on using RPG Maker VX (as soon as both of my friends download it, that is) for the project. I am in NO way an expert at RPG Maker, so don't come to me with thousands and thousands of ideas for games, because I'm merely doing this upon the fact that I enjoy using RPG Maker and the Chrono series is probably my favorite.

Whilst I won't accept any new game ideas, I will accept suggestions regarding my current project. I don't need people to shut down my ideas and attempt to help me by running things, I hate to be told what to do and I'll probably just ignore you if you're arrogant. So, if you have any ideas or if you'd just like to chat about the series in general (hardcore Chrono fans are hard to come by these days) then feel free to message me on here, however I'd be able to talk more on MSN.

Thank you ^_^


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Re: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 05:08:16 pm »
As I see it, there are two ways to begin fan project development -- build a plot and then acquire the necessary resources to implement said plot, or do the reverse and build your plot around the available resources. I take it you'll be using RPGMaker's native resources?


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 06:52:12 pm »
As I see it, there are two ways to begin fan project development -- build a plot and then acquire the necessary resources to implement said plot, or do the reverse and build your plot around the available resources. I take it you'll be using RPGMaker's native resources?

More than likely the latter. Unless of course I want to implement older characters in a flashback sense, or have older characters come in purely based upon the fact that some never died.


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Re: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 01:29:04 pm »
RPG Maker VX has a few bugs in the default scripts. They can be fixed by placing the following code in the materials section of the script editor.

Code: [Select]
class Game_Interpreter
  def command_122
    value = 0
    case @params[3]  # Operand
    when 0  # Constant
      value = @params[4]
    when 1  # Variable
      value = $game_variables[@params[4]]
    when 2  # Random
      value = @params[4] + rand(@params[5] - @params[4] + 1)
    when 3  # Item
      value = $game_party.item_number($data_items[@params[4]])
    when 4  # Actor
      actor = $game_actors[@params[4]]
      if actor != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # Level
          value = actor.level
        when 1  # Experience
          value = actor.exp
        when 2  # HP
          value = actor.hp
        when 3  # MP
          value =
        when 4  # Maximum HP
          value = actor.maxhp
        when 5  # Maximum MP
          value = actor.maxmp
        when 6  # Attack
          value = actor.atk
        when 7  # Defense
          value = actor.def
        when 8  # Spirit
          value = actor.spi
        when 9  # Agility
          value = actor.agi
    when 5  # Enemy
      enemy = $game_troop.members[@params[4]]
      if enemy != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # HP
          value = enemy.hp
        when 1  # MP
          value =
        when 2  # Maximum HP
          value = enemy.maxhp
        when 3  # Maximum MP
          value = enemy.maxmp
        when 4  # Attack
          value = enemy.atk
        when 5  # Defense
          value = enemy.def
        when 6  # Spirit
          value = enemy.spi
        when 7  # Agility
          value = enemy.agi
    when 6  # Character
      character = get_character(@params[4])
      if character != nil
        case @params[5]
        when 0  # x-coordinate
          value = character.x
        when 1  # y-coordinate
          value = character.y
        when 2  # direction
          value = character.direction
        when 3  # screen x-coordinate
          value = character.screen_x
        when 4  # screen y-coordinate
          value = character.screen_y
    when 7  # Other
      case @params[4]
      when 0  # map ID
        value = $game_map.map_id
      when 1  # number of party members
        value = $game_party.members.size
      when 2  # gold
        value = $
      when 3  # steps
        value = $game_party.steps
      when 4  # play time
        value = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
      when 5  # timer
        value = $game_system.timer / Graphics.frame_rate
      when 6  # save count
        value = $game_system.save_count
    for i in @params[0] .. @params[1]   # Batch control
      case @params[2]  # Operation
      when 0  # Set
        $game_variables[i] = value
      when 1  # Add
        $game_variables[i] += value
      when 2  # Sub
        $game_variables[i] -= value
      when 3  # Mul
        $game_variables[i] *= value
      when 4  # Div
        $game_variables[i] /= value if value != 0
      when 5  # Mod
        $game_variables[i] %= value if value != 0
      if $game_variables[i] > 99999999    # Maximum limit check
        $game_variables[i] = 99999999
      if $game_variables[i] < -99999999   # Minimum limit check
        $game_variables[i] = -99999999
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
    return true

# ? ? [VX] Animation Bug Fixed ? ? by Woratana (21/05/2008)
# * Fixed bug that animation will follow screen, not stay on character~ *
# * You can place this script in any slot below the slot 'Sprite_Base'
class Sprite_Base < Sprite
  alias wora_bugfix_sprbas_upd update
  def update
    if !@animation.nil?
      if @animation.position == 3
        if viewport == nil
          @animation_ox = Graphics.width / 2
          @animation_oy = Graphics.height / 2
          @animation_ox = viewport.rect.width / 2
          @animation_oy = viewport.rect.height / 2
        @animation_ox = x - ox + width / 2
        @animation_oy = y - oy + height / 2
        if @animation.position == 0
          @animation_oy -= height / 2
        elsif @animation.position == 2
          @animation_oy += height / 2

class Bitmap
  alias wora_bug_bmp_gfr gradient_fill_rect unless method_defined?('wora_bug_bmp_gfr')
  def gradient_fill_rect(*args)
    args.pop if args.size == 4 || args.size == 7 and !args.last

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.
#  Fixes a bug with windows not disposed when a timer reaches zero.

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
  # * Alias Listing
  alias dargor_vx_fix_battle_dispose_terminate terminate
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    @skill_window.dispose if @skill_window != nil
    @item_window.dispose if @item_window != nil
    @help_window.dispose if @help_window != nil
    @target_enemy_window.dispose if @target_enemy_window != nil
    @target_actor_window.dispose if @target_actor_window != nil


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2009, 07:23:44 pm »
Ah, thanks! I'll definitely test that out.

Schala Zeal

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Re: Chrono Cross RPG Maker Sequel!
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 05:07:26 pm »
That looks like goofed up Python to me.