It's odd, Neon Bible has some catchy tunes, but overall it's like they threw it together with no effort. "No Cars Go" was on their EP first, and I only like the new version cause it's faster. So odd though. Funeral was orchestral and epic, like they found a room full of wonderful instruments and just went at it. While Neon Bible seems more electronic and closed up, like they had limited time and resources but had to come up with
something. Plus, while the name is cool, the actual song "Neon Bible" sucks big time.
No chance for survival
Neon Bible
Not even rhyming at all
Neon Bible
Be warned about NPSH: They are ridiculous to the utmost extent. It's like they don't like the music they make or something, but it's so good that they have to make it. They're too young to appreciate their own irony. Needless to say, their lyrics are only worth their weight in comedy.
Their video is a perfect example: