Today, is the first day of Daylight Saving Time in most of the US and many other places. As a freethinker and a lover of beauty, I very much favor daylight time and look forward to it during the winter months. I have a romantic appreciation for late sunsets, owing to my personal aesthetics of the universe. Likewise, I have a sense of adventure with late sunrises, which hearkens back to my days as a kid when our family vacation in the summer would begin before dawn. Simply put, I love daylight time and I wish it were kept year-round. Or better!
Now I learn that the UK is considering whether or not to impose a “double daylight” system—wherein daylight time is still used but the clock is permanently set one hour ahead. This, compared to a place with no daylight time, and accounting for time zone differences, the UK would be one hour ahead in the winter, and two hours in the summer.
I like this idea very much! I was a big supporter of the change in 2007 to extend it by one month, and every year I live in a secret fear that our government will decide to reduce or repeal daylight time. The thought of going even farther than making daylight saving time permanent tantalizes and arouses me. Surely if any country is wise enough to adopt such a policy, the UK could be that country. But, back here in America, if anyone could pull it off, it would be Barack Obama, so I am hopeful.
I don't care much about the traditional arguments in favor of daylight time. I support it for the reasons I listed above. But I also don't care what logic a government uses to justify daylight time. If they want to talk about saving oil, then they can go right ahead. I'm all for conserving energy. ^_^