Author Topic: A Radical Dream  (Read 4025 times)


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A Radical Dream
« on: February 25, 2009, 06:18:53 pm »
Here's a piece I made up, nothing big or with too many plots, was just thinking about Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross and came up with this.

By the way this is purely a fan based fiction piece and has nothing to do with the real story, well who knows, Square never cleared the air completely on the Chrono Trilogy ! Oh and I'm not writer or anything, was thinking about doing something like this, and gave it a go.

So please read on and please let me know what you think about it :

Time : ????
Chrono and Marle had a beautiful baby boy.
"Serge", Marle said, "Yes, that's what we’ll call you handsome!" and slipped the pendant around the baby’s neck. Chrono held the baby, the baby became excited, he somehow knew he was in his dad's arms. Lucca looked at the baby and smiled.

Time : The Beginning of Time
Marle, "How can this be ! We had finished Lavos..!" But before Marle could end Lavos charged, Chrono stopped him just in time, "Chrono watch out !"
Chrono's sword was thrown in the air, "Nooooo !! Chrono!", Marle cried, he lay wounded on the ground, such a strong worrior, who had fought hundread of monsters and faced Lavos without any fear, lay on the ground. Marle ran towards Chrono with the baby in her hand, crying. The tears trickled down her cheek onto the babies, she held Chrono's hand, with the baby on the other...and waited for Lavos to end this all.

Lavos sent his most powerful blow, with all the rage, anger and hatred he had built up, whilst he waited for eternity to get a hold of them again.
The baby fell from Marle’s hand. Next to his parents bodies, the pendent fell about a feet away, he laid there unaware of what had happened...

Schala looked at the baby through her faint eyes, feeling as helpless as the baby. Lavos made his last move towards the baby...

The baby started to cry...

[Ripples Across Time]

Suddenly the pendent started to glow with a blinding streek of white light. Lavos was backed off.

The pendent shattered with a rainbow glow...and another baby appeared in its place, a beautiful baby girl. Serge stopped crying.

Schala smiled, and a tear graced her cheek,"Please take care of them Janus", she said in a very faint voice.

A time gate opened, engulfing both the babies, but before it could close, Lavos got back to his strength and charged towards the babies, but he was too late, he was too big to get through the gate, but his massive attack caused a distortion inside the gate...the gate tore into two halves, separating the two babies.

Time : 600 A.D.
Magus : Wandering through the forest aimlessly, thinking about a way to get to Zeal and to Schala. There was a loud screech, he turned around, the pendent across his waist started to glow, a time gate opened, the baby fell on the ground, Magus ran towards the baby, picked her up and felt warmth in his hands...there was a pendent shard clutched in the little hand of the baby. Magus looked at the shard...and then at the baby.

Time : ????
Lucca : Holding a photo frame with Chrono, Marle, Robo, Frog, Ayla and herself in it, she gave a silly smile. Suddenly there was a loud screech from outside, she got alarmed, the sound was very very familiar to her. She ran towards the door, while on the hallway she heard another screech, Magus was gone, maybe he finally found a way to reach Zeal or..Schala. She opened the door, amazed, she was looking at a tiny it wasn't a tiny was a baby. There was a note tucked with the baby in the baby basket. The baby looked at Lucca, with these big blue eyes, giggling. Lucca picked the baby up, the baby clutched Lucca's finger as tightly as she could.

Time : ????
100 Feet above the land...there was a loud screech...the air the middle of thin air, a time gate opened...and closed in a glimpse. The baby was falling, crying, the winds roared even louder. Suddenly there was a lightning bolt, a thing flew towards the baby and caught it in middle air.

The Epoch with the least bit of energy it had, tried to land safely enough to save the baby from any kind of damage. The Epoch crashed on a beach, the baby was unhurt.
The crash was heard by a sailor nearby. Wazuki came rushing to see what had happened, he saw the Epoch and from within came the sound of a crying baby, Wazuki came closer to the Epoch to observe it, he hesitated for a minute but heard the cry of the baby telling someone, anyone to hold it, to make it feel safe. Wazuki picked up Serge the very next moment.

"SERGE", read Wazuki from the computer screen on Epoch's pannel.
"Voice lock confirmed, timeline unkown, system setting to restmode," said the Epoch before setting into an eternal sleep, and with another screech it vanished, maybe back to the place and time it came from.

Serge looked at Wazuki and smiled. Fatigued from the tiresome journey he just had, Serge feel in a warm comfortable sleep in Wazuki's arms.

[The cry of the Ripples caused can still be heard beyond time and dimensions]

ƒ i n...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 04:30:43 pm by Arthemist »


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 07:43:15 am »
Wow!  :shock: That story speaks to me!


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 10:56:38 am »
it's a good story, but there are a lot of instances that don't match up with any of the versions.

For instance, in CC, Serge has a mother and a father, and the father was lost at sea, while the mother was still around for him. Both are Serge's real parents. The Epoch simply couldn't have been found by Wazuki because he would have mentioned it to the other villagers, it would have been spread around as a story and Serge then would always know that he was adopted. It would have been in the Chrono storyline already.

For two, Lavos had already been dealt with in Chrono Trigger by Crono and Crew, so would not still be there after Crono and Marle had a kid, if they had a kid. The Lavos in CC is not a lavos at all, but a Time Devourer, which I can only guess would be one of Lavos' Spawns which became the next evolution up from Lavos with some new tricks.

I mean, it's a good story, don't get me wrong, but there are too many holes in it already that won't match up to events that have already occured.

EDIT: also, how does Magus even come by the Epoch, anyway? Last we see him at the end of CT, he goes through the gate and Crono, Lucca, and Marle have the Epoch.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 10:59:43 am by idioticidioms »


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 11:02:27 am »
By the way this is purely a fan based fiction piece and has nothing to do with the real story, well who knows, Square never cleared the air completely on the Chrono Trilogy ! Oh and I'm not writer or anything, was thinking about doing something like this, and gave it a go.

Silly idioticidioms. It's fanfiction. For all we know this is in a completely different universe. I think it's very nice. Good job!


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 12:02:32 pm »
What's with all of the recent script-based layout fanfics as of late anyways?


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 12:11:17 pm »
Script layouts are so much more flexible than straight prose. When scriptwriting, the fanfic author can get into nitty-gritty descriptions whenever it's inspiring, and then quickly move through the story via dialogue at other times.


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 02:36:45 pm »
hmm, missed that part. sorry.

And Faust is correct. Scripts are a lot easier to work with. Myself, I want to see my idea get made into a game eventually, and the quickest way to do that is to write a script for it. After the script is done, it will be very simple to turn it into a novel.


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 02:50:43 pm »
No offense or anything, I know that it does take time & effort to create (& I'm sure it's helpful), but I can't help but think that it's sort of lazy writing...Like a step above just making an outline or something...>_>


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2009, 03:20:18 pm »
For instance, in CC, Serge has a mother and a father, and the father was lost at sea, while the mother was still around for him. Both are Serge's real parents. The Epoch simply couldn't have been found by Wazuki because he would have mentioned it to the other villagers, it would have been spread around as a story and Serge then would always know that he was adopted. It would have been in the Chrono storyline already.
Yes, I agree, Serge does have a mother and father, but there's hardly any mention of his past in CC. And why does destiny choose someone like Serge ? There were, I think, 100 more who would have been ideal candidates who would have been perfect fits in the CC events - so why Serge? . Sadly, none of this was cleared by Square, dunno but I can't help but think that Serge has something special in him, something bound to his life, which he can't change. :D Maybe like any other RPG out there - Serge is the special one.

Oh and I edited the Epoch bit a little, just to make more sense.

For two, Lavos had already been dealt with in Chrono Trigger by Crono and Crew, so would not still be there after Crono and Marle had a kid, if they had a kid. The Lavos in CC is not a lavos at all, but a Time Devourer, which I can only guess would be one of Lavos' Spawns which became the next evolution up from Lavos with some new tricks.
Yes, Lavos was killed by the group, but Time Devourer did exist...maybe Marle and Chrono had the same question when they met Time Devourer - "How can this be, we had finished Lavos in 1900 A.D. !) [Edited this bit too :P]

I mean, it's a good story, don't get me wrong, but there are too many holes in it already that won't match up to events that have already occured.
Thanks, to be honest this was my first time writing a piece like this. had thought of a lot of plots and story lines but never had the will to put them down in writing.

EDIT: also, how does Magus even come by the Epoch, anyway? Last we see him at the end of CT, he goes through the gate and Crono, Lucca, and Marle have the Epoch.
Ahh...Magus never came in contact with Epoch, he used his own Pendent and Magic power to open a time gate...he somehow figures this bit out when he comes across baby Kid in the forest and the Pendent shard she had, and its exactly after this he goes to Zeal, in search of Schala, leaving Kid with Lucca, maybe he thinks he'll not the right person or the influence to take care of the baby, and the only name apparently which comes to his mind is Lucca ! (I wonder why :P ?)

You know what, after writing all this I finally realised why Square never explained so many things, I'm sure they wanted to, but they had just created a perfect story, and wanted to leave the fate of that story into the hand of views/players, so that their imagination could create new horizons and make the story a legend.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 11:40:38 am by Arthemist »


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 03:37:20 pm »
No offense or anything, I know that it does take time & effort to create (& I'm sure it's helpful), but I can't help but think that it's sort of lazy writing...Like a step above just making an outline or something...>_>

have to start somewhere, and that's basically all a script is.


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 04:10:18 pm »
The first fanfic I wrote was script layout. It was easy to write, but I soon found that I couldn't imagine anything that was going on. Mainly because it was so improbable, but also because I couldn't work the descriptions right. I soon switched to prose. It's a little more complicated, but it gives it a better look overall.

Again, nice work, Arthemist! Keep working on it and it will be grand... maybe...


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Re: A Radical Dream
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2009, 04:19:25 pm »
Again, nice work, Arthemist! Keep working on it and it will be grand... maybe...

Thank You, but I don't think I'll continue this (can't say!), its a short piece, 'A Radical Dream' as I like to put it.

Oh and try n imagine the whole thing while reading it, makes it awesome!