Author Topic: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K  (Read 1747 times)


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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2009, 08:56:50 am »
Chill Ramsus, Triforce goes a bit overboard sometimes and gets very worked up over things like this because of his unique situation. You're absolutely right, of course, but I would back off of him just a bit for compassions sake, given what he has told us about himself.

But he's in college now.


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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 05:23:29 pm »
Chill Ramsus, Triforce goes a bit overboard sometimes and gets very worked up over things like this because of his unique situation. You're absolutely right, of course, but I would back off of him just a bit for compassions sake, given what he has told us about himself.
I still hold true that a person does not need to receive special treatment just because of a 'disability'. Obviously Triforce's situation is not so severe that he cannot understand language (as some in his situation), so I feel we should treat him as anyone else.

But that's just me.

Anyway, I have no qualms with KHInsider taking down all the downloads. Smart move. My only qualm is that they keep the section up. So when I want to listen to Smashing... Live!, I Google it and the first thing that comes up is KHInsider, but what good is that? You can't download it, you just see what songs are on it! Either put up the downloads or take the whole section down. Otherwise I'm going to get very VERY angry.

chrono eric

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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2009, 10:24:46 pm »
I still hold true that a person does not need to receive special treatment just because of a 'disability'.

Then you should be the first to advocate removing all wheelchair accessible ramps from public buildings.

Obviously Triforce's situation is not so severe that he cannot understand language (as some in his situation), so I feel we should treat him as anyone else.

True, and yet Asperger's and high functioning autism in general still causes a decreased ability to interpret social situations, despite "understanding the language" that people may use. Clearly he gets worked up about things that other people would just brush off. Which is why I think Ramsus calling him a "fool" and speaking generally down to him was uncalled for.


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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2009, 11:29:28 pm »
Trust me, I've been around a lot of these and worse cases treat him completely the same. Don't give any special treatment at all, save whats vital (ie. talking slow, wheelchair access). If you let miss behavior or some such slide you do an injustice to 'em.


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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2009, 03:47:14 am »
Not sure what conditions exist, and frankly they're none of my business, nor do I even care what they are.  To be blunt though, you can't control other people's reactions, and the only thing triforce does that gets my goat is trying to do just that.  While he speaks his mind openly about topics that seemingly come out of nowhere, his insistance that others "please don't flame" or "please don't make fun of my posts" is rather counter productive to his desires.

In short, asking not to be made fun of is like asking to be made fun of.  I consider this community rather kind in its intents towards others, but the levels some arguments can reach (ie. Religion, Politics, etc.) are not for the faint of heart, and most of us aren't willing to tone down the presentation of our opinions just for one member of the community.

So nothing against him, and I'm sure none of us have any real problems with him that warrant any attention, but I don't see the compendium members treading lightly on the information he shares with us.


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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2009, 09:03:07 am »
Actually, chrono eric is right in that my choice of language was needlessly derogatory -- if not completely inappropriate -- as far as expressing my opinion goes. Certainly there was plenty of room to be more tactful and considerate, and still express the same belief.

However, Triforce stuck a real nerve with what he was saying and how he said it. While he wasn't trying to be insulting, I found his words to be very much so, and I wanted to make that extremely clear to him.

chrono eric

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Re: Anyone know whats with the attitude of K
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2009, 12:51:50 pm »
Yes, he has a tendency to do that sometimes. I was having a discussion with him not too long ago in which I found something he said to be extremely offensive, but I tried to deal with it in as understanding a way as possible.