I was playing Chrono Trigger DS on my R4 and got really far in the game( I was at the part after I got Crono revived). I was doing Robo's sidequest until the game froze. I restarted the DS and tried booting the game, but it gave me a white screen. I redid this mutiple times, and it still gave me a white screen. So I took the MicroSD off my R4 and connected it to my computer. I tried opening the folder that contains the DS games, but it was corrupted(there goes all of my games and saves). I used a file recovery program, but failed. Now I have to reformat the MicroSD and re-download the games.
Does anyone have a save file for Chrono Trigger DS up to the point were you have Crono revived(but not have beaten the game once)?
Also, Magus has to be in the party, (as he was in my save file).