Author Topic: So, the Dragon Ball movie...  (Read 12221 times)


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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #135 on: March 01, 2009, 03:41:49 am »
Actually in both the manga and anime he originally told Bulma his wrong age since he couldn't count very well.

Schala Zeal

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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #136 on: March 01, 2009, 05:08:05 pm »
Dubbing a movie a kid's movie because it sucks = no reason not to try.......*grumbles*

wtf does this mean?

« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 03:08:40 am by V_Translanka »


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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #137 on: March 02, 2009, 06:19:54 pm »
Dubbing a movie a kid's movie because it sucks = no reason not to try.......*grumbles*

wtf does this mean?

I was about to say that actually V.  :lol:


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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #138 on: March 31, 2009, 10:45:48 am »
 :lol: People might kill me for reviving this topic, but....

Quote from:
IGN spoke to "Dragonball Evolution" stars Justin Chatwin (Goku) and James Marsters (Lord Piccolo) about the future of the "Dragonball" franchise.

"I hope [the movie does well] because my character only really gets interesting in the second film," said Marsters. "I mean he's interesting now, but his journey is really developed in the script for the second movie."

He continued: "All I know is I've been signed to three movies, but I would like to make five - seven of them. You could just pretty much paint by numbers using the wealth of source material to easily get the seven films. There's that much there."

Meanwhile Chatwin is also obviously thinking about "Dragonball" as a series of movies, with the actor seeing "Evolution" as an introduction piece to the wider universe.

"There's a whole generation of kids waiting to be introduced to 'Dragonball,'" said Chatwin. "So this first movie is really important for that. I mean the main plot is the battle between Piccolo and Goku, but this first film still serves to introduce the characters and where they're from and what they're deals are and so to cover that ground really takes up most of the first movie."

He goes on: "I know what they have in store for the second one and it's really cool! It's more in the vein of the Dragonball saga... it goes into other places, there's other characters, other fighters and there's a lot of action that is just really awesome."

"It actually goes more into 'Dragon Ball Z' land and it's just really exciting. It goes into the whole legend of Dragonball. I cant really say more than that but it made me think this is a cool franchise to be a part off, because there's so much we haven't shown yet."

On another note, you guys do know they're also making movies on...

G.I.Joe: Rise of the Cobra
Legend of Zelda



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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #139 on: March 31, 2009, 11:38:44 am »
I read a review of the movie, it apparently really really sucks. And not just in a "hey it doesn't follow the manga" way, it literally is a non-sensical heap of shit.

And a Zelda movie? I'm pretty sure that was just last year's April Fool's (you're a day early, by the way).
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 11:44:38 am by Pyt Fumv »

Sigma Head

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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #140 on: March 31, 2009, 12:10:19 pm »
I heard about the Dragonball movie ages ago and I refused to believe it's existence. I mean, seriously, Hollywood hasn't stooped THAT low has it? And more and more information crept along and I had to face the facts: It's REAL and it's going to SUCK. I mean the soul-crushing kind of suck that makes you want to question your sense of reality. It's not like I had any hopes or expectations for this garbage.

You couldn't get me into the theater to see this tripe. Mind you, this is coming from a guy who owns Ninja Terminator and Beast of Yucca Flats on DVD. Hell, I saw Quarantine in the theater for a LAUGH (I came out gagging on my own bile though. I hated that movie.) I appreciate schlock media, as you can tell.

This definitely one of those movies where you think to yourself, "Who green-lights this crap?" This should have never have been made, right along side The Karate Kid (now named The Kung Fu Kid) remake that's coming down the pipe.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 12:17:08 pm by Sigma Head »


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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #141 on: March 31, 2009, 12:25:38 pm »
I read a review of the movie, it apparently really really sucks. And not just in a "hey it doesn't follow the manga" way, it literally is a non-sensical heap of shit.

And a Zelda movie? I'm pretty sure that was just last year's April Fool's (you're a day early, by the way).
:lol: How would you know? The movie hasn't even been released yet! Also, they've spent heck of a long time and effort with it. Also, I've read certain things, and other than a few "differences" the entire thing (except for Goku's personality) seems fine. Even Master Roshi has his pervy personality in the movie!

You do know a lot changes in Live Actions, and the amount done so far is just as much as DeathNote Live action movie, or even Detective Conan's. Fans are just paranoid it may not go well, because its predecessors haven't either. Well, that feeling's understandable. xD

You do know that if they even managed to have the exact kind of movie in Live Action it may just be... crap? I mean, seriously, try thinking of it! Certain things need to be altered to have a change of scenes. Like they decided to have Bulma's hair as her actress's original hair color, and not blue, because otherwise it would look unrealistic. That, too, is quite understandable, and I'd have taken the same decision myself. But that doesn't mean they haven't tried. I've even read reviews of how they shot the film and all.



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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #142 on: April 05, 2009, 10:16:37 am »
Wow, based on the trailer I finally got to see on tv it does indeed look like the suckfest everyone's been talking about...Disappointed but not surprised...They didn't need to drag the Dragonball name through the mud like this...It's already got a far worse rep than it deserves...but no, they've gotta throw everything about the source material that made people enjoy the source material in the first place, don't they? Yeah, doll out the fluffy kid-friendly garbage, Hollywood...You know they'll eat it up because children have no standards! *sigh* At least there's the manga! Please let it make at least a few kids interested in reading it...please? Or would that just increase the dunce population of the Dragonball fan community?

Wow this post is all extra whiny...>_>


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Re: So, the Dragon Ball movie...
« Reply #143 on: May 07, 2009, 02:22:30 am »
Based on the trailor, a plot summary, and like 3 reviews the movie sucks. Also my prediction was somewhat accurate! Yippy for Mikey! I will now bask in the wonders of my 89% accurate future reading ablities when it comes to movies and shows. (I say 89% because I still count movies that I found so bad they where funny and thus worth watching, but predicited they might be good as an incorrect answer)

I heard they are still planning a sequel....Hollywood is a nice place....filled to the brim with idiots! ^.^